Kaijsa Calkins
Assistant Dean, Education & Research Services Coe Library, Room 304L & 502A (307) 766-6553 | kcalkins@uwyo.edu
Sammy Peter
Chair, Research & Instruction Coe Library, Room 304M (307) 766-5566 | scook13@uwyo.edu | ORCiD 0000-0002-8682-3547
Subject Areas: Communication Disorders, Disability Studies, College of Education, History & American
Studies, International Studies and Political Science, Native American Studies, Science
and Mathematics Teaching Center, Psychology, Religious Studies, and Wyoming
Janice Grover-Roosa
Carol J. McMurry Librarian for Academic Excellence Coe Library, Room 304P (307) 766-5577 | janicegr@uwyo.edu
Subject Areas: African American Studies, Anthropology, Communication and Journalism,
Creative Writing, DEI, English and Literature, Fine and Performing Arts, Gender and
Women’s Studies, Music, Philosophy, and Humanities
Kendall Lowe
Office Assistant, Senior Coe Library, Room 304 (307) 766-6537
Susan Schulz
Library Specialist Coe Library, Room 304 (307) 766-5605 | sschulz7@uwyo.edu
Contact me about: Library Coaches
Shannon Smith
Student Success Librarian Coe Library, Room 304C (307) 766-6830 | Shannon.Smith@uwyo.edu | ORCiD 0000-0002-2560-7410
Subject Areas: Atmospheric Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology
& Geophysics, Geography, Mathematics & Statistics, School of Computing, School of
Energy Resources, and Physics & Astronomy
David Kruger
Interim Special Collections Librarian & Undergraduate Research Librarian Coe Library, Room 309A (307) 766-5623 | tseliot@uwyo.edu
Subject Areas: College of Agriculture, College of Business, Communication & Journalism,
English, Outdoor Recreation & Tourism, Animal Science, Biology, Botany, Veterinary
Science, Military Science, and Veterans
Andrea Hastings-Arrollo
Library Specialist Coe Library, Room 309 (307) 766-6248 | grace@uwyo.edu
Shadow Abbott
Library Specialist Coe Library, Room 112A (307) 766-4264 | smckim1@uwyo.edu
Contact me about: digitization needs (i.e., book and poster scanning) and 3D modeling
Rachael Laing
Project Specialist Coe Library, Room 112 (307) 766-5178 | rlaing@uwyo.edu
Esther Perez
STEM Digital Scholarship Librarian Coe Library, Room 304Q (307) 766-5692 | eperez11@uwyo.edu
Katharine Teykl
Digital Scholarship Librarian Coe Library, Room 304A (307) 766-6860 | kteykl@uwyo.edu
Contact me about: research and coding support for digital scholarship projects
Deborah White
Digital Collections Librarian Coe Library, Room 112D (307) 766-5615