Faculty studying population and community ecology

Ecologists at Wyoming are concerned with the core issues in population and community ecology, including invasive species, coevolution, demography, climate-change effects, trophic dynamics, and producer-consumer interactions.


Jeff Beck, Ph.D. (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Merav Ben-David, Ph.D. (Zoology/Physiology)Population Ecology

Craig Benkman, Ph.D. (Zoology/Physiology)

Alex Buerkle, Ph.D. (Botany)

Steven Buskirk, Ph.D. (Zoology/Physiology)

Mark Clementz, Ph.D. (Geology/Geophysics)

Timothy Collier, Ph.D. (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Holly Ernest, Ph.D. (Veterinary Sciences)

Kristina Hufford, Ph.D. (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Randa Jabbour, Ph.D. (Plant Sciences)

Daniel Laughlin, Ph.D. (Botany)

Jeffrey Lockwood, Ph.D. (Philosophy

David McDonald, Ph.D. (Zoology/Physiology)

Melanie Murphy, Ph.D. (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Corey Tarwater, Ph.D. (Zoology/Physiology)

Dan Tinker, Ph.D. (Botany)

Linda van Diepen, Ph.D. (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Naomi Ward, Ph.D. (Molecular Biology)

Contact Us

Program in Ecology and Evolution

Interdisciplinary Program

Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator

School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247

Phone: 307-766-4128

Email: ecology@uwyo.edu


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