Common Course Numbering System

Common Course Numbering System (CCNS)

The Wyoming Common Course Numbering System (CCNS) was developed in cooperation with the community colleges and the University of Wyoming to develop and maintain a common transfer process system that uses common course numbering for all undergraduate courses provided at the community colleges and the University of Wyoming. 

The development and ongoing maintenance of the statewide course numbering system, including determining course equivalencies, shall be accomplished with the assistance of appropriate committees that shall include faculty members and staff of the community colleges and the University of Wyoming.

70% Rule Explained

Course content and principles need to be at least 70% similar to be considered an equivalent course. These courses are considered an equivalent.

University of Wyoming Example

ZOO 2450-Fish and Wildlife Management in the Anthropocene-Credits 4


Cross Listed: ENR 2450

Prerequisite: LIFE 1010, LIFE 2022, and COM1

Northern Wyoming Community College District Example

ZOO 2450 Principles of Fish and Wildlife Management (3 credits) 



BIOL 1010 General Biology I and one of the following: BIOL 2020 General Biology II or BIOL 2022 Animal Biology. 




existing number protocol

Definitions for Courses:

Academic Transfer Course (also known as General Elective and/or Transfer Course)- Is typically a community college credit course with a 1000-1499, 2000-2499, 3000-3499, 4000-4499 number, that transfers to a four-year, baccalaureate degree granting institution. These courses are not usually classified as an occupational or developmental education courses.

Articulated Course: A course that has been discussed through articulation that has been determined to transfer from at least one college to another for credit.

Articulation – The meeting, communication, and collaboration among the Wyoming community colleges and the University of Wyoming to facilitate student transfer between and among the institutions

Career Technical Education (CTE) Course – Is typically a community college credit course with 1500-1999 and 2500-2999 numbers, that does not transfer to a four-year, baccalaureate degree granting institution.

Common Course - Community college credit courses numbered 010-999, 1000-1999 or 2000-2999 that are offered by least two Wyoming Community Colleges or are numbered 1000-1499 or 2000-2499 are offered by UW and at least one Wyoming community college.

Course Coordinator – The person at each community college and UW who is the contact for the Wyoming common course numbering system.

Course Designation - The identification of a course as either an academic transfer course or CTE course

Developmental Education/Remedial Courses – Courses numbered 010-999 are offered to prepare students with skills needed to successfully complete college level courses. These courses normally are not degree or certificate requirements nor do they transfer.

Equivalent Course – A common course, offered for credit, that is approved by a UW department head by the CCNSC as having at least 70 percent similar content and outcomes to a course offered at another college and fulfills the same requirements as a UW course. An equivalent course may also be a course approved by a UW department head as having similar content and fulfilling the same requirements as a UW course. Faculty are often consulted to determine equivalency. Career and technical education courses transferred between Wyoming Community Colleges will be evaluated by the receiving institution’s Registrar for equivalency.

General Elective and Transfer Course – A 1000-1499 and 2000-2499 credit course which is generally accepted for transfer to a four year, baccalaureate degree granting institution. These courses are not usually classified as an occupational or developmental education courses.


University of Wyoming CTE Course Renumbering Project 2023 for AY 2024-2025

The submitted course (s) are equivalent to a Career and Technical Education (CTE) elective via ELEC 1100 if pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree (non-transferable if not pursuing a BAS degree). This determination will involve courses numbered at the sending institution 1500-1999 and 2500-2999. 

  • These course fixes do NOT need a CAP in Curriculog. These changes will be fixed by the Office of the Registrar.
  • Once the new number is chosen, the Office of the Registrar will run the new number through CCNS for allignment with the Wyoming community colleges.
  • The Wyoming community colleges will allign their numbers with the University of Wyoming.

While technically all course number changes go through the UCRC, Janelle Krueger (UCRC Chair) and UW administration agree that this situation is a one-time unique event as a result of the legislative direction that should be processed administratively through the Office of the Registrar. If the courses were to go through the UCRC, they would ultimately be rubber stamping the proposals without much/any discussion, so it creates efficiencies at many levels to handle them directly through the OTR and the impacted departments.

These changes will not launch until March 1, 2024. Hopefully, this will give units time to make these necessary changes to the curriculum. 
  • For advising purposes, we can assure you that the course variations (old and new) will be built into Degree Works by the Office of the Registrar, therefore additional “coding” will not be required.  As an additional layer of clarification, the 24-25 (and later) catalogs will reference both old and new course numbers.
  • For both in-state and out-of-state institutions with equivalencies aligned to the previous course numbers, Transfer Relations is prepared to quickly update these equivalencies in Banner.
  • The Office of the Registrar will continue to run repeat course reports that allow for communication to students if a repeat registration does occur.  Additional efforts to prevent such repeat registration are also being considered within the OTR. 

As always, the 24-25 UW catalog will clearly indicate the old course numbers on the new course entries (under the course descriptions) to prevent students from inadvertently repeating a course.

All block articulations for 24-25 (to be created by Transfer Relations) will clearly indicate the old and new course numbers to reduce any confusion.

These changes will go into effect with the 2024-2025 academic catalog therefore not impacting students for some time. 

Proposed Course Changes for AY 2024-2025


About 53 UWYO courses are currently incorrectly numbered as courses that transfer into UWYO as a Career and Technical Education course. This is incorrect and the following courses need renumbered at UWYO:

Prefix                             Number                          Title                              Hrs                  Proposed New Course Number 
AGRI 1520 Field Practices: Extension 1-2 Credits AGRI 1460
ARE 1600 Architectural Design Studio I 3 Credits ARE 1060
ARE 2600 Architecutural Design Studio II 3 Credits ARE 2060
GEOL 1600 Global Sustainibility:  4 Credits GEOL 1320
ENR/GEOL 1500 Water, Dirt & Earth's Eviroment 4 Credits GEOL 1330
ERS/GEOL 1650 The Water-Energy-Climax Nexus 3 Credits GEOL/ERS 1310
GWSTSOWK 1900 Women & Leadership 3 Credits GWST 2050/SOWK 2050
UWYO 1600 Veteran's Transition Course 1 Credit UWYO 2300


AAST 2990 Topics: 1-3 or 3 AAST 2490
AMST 2700 Introduction to Museology 3 AMST 2070
AMST 2705 Museology II 3 AMST 2075
ANTH 2600 Forgotten Africa: Intro to African Civilizations 3 ANTH 2110
ANTH 2700 Introduction to Museology 3 ANTH 2070
ANTH 2705 Museology II 3 ANTH 2075
ART 2700 Introduction to Museology 3 ART 2070
ART 2705 Museology II 3 ART 2075
BUSN 2600 Internship in Business 1, max 3 BUSN 2470
CM 2600 Construction Documents 3 CM 2200
CNSL 2800 Undergraduate Seminar in: 1-3, max 6 Discontinued
CRMJ 2685 Research Methods 3 CRMJ 2465
ECON 2500 The Impact of the Union Pacific on Wyoming History 3 ECON 2450
ECON 2910 Topics in Economics 3 ECON 2490
EDST 2550 Educational Assessment 3 EDST 2250
ENR 2800 Introduction to Outdoor Leadership 3 ENR 2410
ENTR 2700 Entreprenneurial Mindset 3 ENTR 2400
ERS 2500 Energy Project Outreach and Communications 3 ECON 2440
ES 2800 Physical Computing 3 ES 2280
GWST 2700 Gender and Disability 3 GWST 2400
HIST 2500 The Impact of the Union Pacific on Wyoming History 3 HIST 2440
HIST 2600 Forgotten Africa: Intro to African Civilizations 3 HIST 2110
HIST 2700 Introduction to Museology 3 HIST 2070
HIST 2705 Museology II 3 HIST 2075
HIST 2800 Buddhism 3 HIST 2335
INST 2990 Topics in International Studies 1-6, max 15 INST 2490
KIN 2900 Topics In: 1-3, max 3 KIN 2490
MATH 2800 Mathmatics Major Seminar 2 MATH 2485
MATH 2850 Putnam Team Seminar 2, max 8 MATH 2485
ORTM 2800 Outdoor Leadership 3 ORTM 2410
PHYS 2870 Special Topics in: 1-4, max 4 PHYS 2490
RELI 2500 Special Topics in Religion 1-3, max 6 RELI 2490
RELI 2800 Buddhism 3 RELI 2335
SOC 2682 Research Methods in SOC 3 SOC 2490
SOC 2685 Research Methods  3 SOC 2465
THEA 2720 Movement for Actors I 2 THEA 2135
THEA 2790 Stage Management 3 THEA 2444
THEA 2800 Stage Lighting I 3 THEA 2230
THEA 2810 Scenic Painting for the Theatre 3 THEA 2320
THEA 2900 Sound Design for Theatre and Dance 3 THEA 2390
THEA 2990 Period Style for Theatre I 3 THEA 2185
THEA 2995 Period Style for Theatre II 3 THEA 2215
WIND 2500 Special Topics 1-3, max 6 WIND 2490
WIND 2700 Gender and Disability 3 WIND 2400


Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar