Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960


Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Robert Ratterree, Associate Registrar
Jennifer Waluta, Registrar Systems

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Course Creation

The University of Wyoming utilizes Modern Campus Curriculum (formally Curriculog), an electronic academic program and course approval system for creating, modifying, deleting individual courses. Faculty and staff involved in departmental, college, and university-level review may view the progress of their proposals from start to finish.

Courses at the University of Wyoming are governed by Academic Affairs, the Office of the Registrar, Transfer Relations, individual colleges, the Board of Truestees, and the University Course Review Committee. 

*Updates have been made to the Syllabus Template, Syllabus Checklist, and the Course Policy Guide to reflect changes to DEI language. 12/19/2024


Office of the Registrar 

*Registrar Systems Deadlines

*Registrar Systems = Curriculum software and Catalog software

  1. Deadline to create, modify, or delete a course for AY 2025-2026: Friday 11/01/2024 @ 4:00PM
  2. Deadline to create, modify, or delete information in the 2025-2026 Catalog: Wednesday 02/12/2025 @ 4:00PM
  3. Modern Campus Curriculum Open for Course Submissions AY 2026-2027: Tuesday 07/15/2025
  4. AY 2025-2026 catalog available to view online: Monday 03/03/2025
  5. AY 2026-2027 catalog open for edits: Tuesday 07/15/2025

Courses need to be created the year prior to the year colleges want them to go live in the catalog and to be taught and offered through Banner. Currently, submissions are being done for the 2025-2026 catalog.

Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs has separate Academic Policies and Procedures. Certain new items such as degrees and certificates need to go through the approval for that program through the Board of Trustees meeting at the same time as the new or modified courses are going through the University Course Review Committee. Please contact Academic Affairs for questions about the process of timing degrees with course creation.

Individual Colleges

Each college has their own timelines for when it is necessary to submit the courses into the Curriculum portal in time for College Committee meetings. Please contact the college specific undergraduate Assitant Dean, Academic Director, or University Course Review Committee member for specific deadlines for submission.

Board of Trustees 

The Board of Trustees has their own timeline for approving new college programs/degrees/certificates/ect. Please reference their website for timelines.


WyoLearn Training

The Modern Campus Curriculum WyoLearn Training is a new feature from the Office of the Registrar this year. It doesn’t matter what your position is in the Curriculum workflow, this training is for everyone. It may also be shared with faculty who are utilizing Curriculum for course changes.

The training on WyoLearn:

  • It is not required but recommended.
  • A certificate of completion is issued at the end.
  • It is estimated the training will take approximately two hours.
  • It is possible to save at different points and come back.
  • The training materials will be accessible for future reference in WyoLearn.
  • Deadline to create, modify, or delete a course for AY 2025-2026: Friday 11/01/2024 @ 4:00PM
  • The WyoLearn Training is under Course Creation and the Catalog: Modern Campus Curriculum Training for Course Creation (users will register themselves through WyoLearn)

If you are interested in the training, please go to


The 2025-2026 Catalog is open for edits.

  • Deadline to create, modify, or delete information in the 2025-2026 Catalog: Wednesday 02/12/2025 @ 4:00PM


Course Policy Guide

The Course Policy Guide is currently being updated for the 2025-26 academic year. 

CAP Worksheet

NEW COURSE CAP Initation Form



Syllabus Requirements

Syllabus Requirements.

Course Designation Worksheets

For 2015 USP Designation renewals or initial applications, please follow the guidelines on the USP webpage. Questions regarding specific USP's should be directed to USP syllabi must follow the learning outcomes outlined in the worksheet. You do not need to get the signatures on the worksheets. The Modern Campus Curriculum workflow replaces the signatures.

Arts & Sciences Worksheets

Video Tutorials:

Registrar YouTube Channel

College Course Originators:

College Course Originators 

Other Helpful Pages:

Catalog Information for Faculty and Staff

University Course Review Committee (UCRC)

FAQ Example 1

Answer 2
Answer 3





Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960


Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Robert Ratterree, Associate Registrar
Jennifer Waluta, Registrar Systems

Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)