Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar

College and Major Files

Office of the Registrar

(AKA the "uber" reports)


These files are designed to provide relevant and current data for students enrolled in a particular college or major and for a given term.

Files are located in the following locations:

  • \\Warehouse\DeptShare$\deptshare\majors\ folder under the appropriate major

  • \\Warehouse\DeptShare$\deptshare\colleges\ folder under the appropriate college folder

Files are comma separated values (.csv files) and should open up in Excel.  The files are essentially read-only for most users, and care should be taken with keeping any local copies elsewhere as the files will contain sensitive data.

Most of the reports in these folder are updated each weeknight and represent data current as of the 'Date Modified' date on the file.  "History" is left in the folders, or periodically moved to folders on a previous academic year basis (in folders usually starting with AY for the appropriate academic year).  We do not and cannot re-run or refresh historical files as they would be overwritten by current curriculum information.  Any "history" is data as of the last time the file was refreshed.

Access to college level files is normally available to college Dean and Dean's Office employees in the college or others with specific needs.  Access to major level files is normally available to department level office personnel for the major(s) they work with.  Access should be requested through the Registrar and Application Security Office at and

College and Major Files

The purpose of these files is to help department staff know what students are enrolled and currently pursuing their program(s).  Students must be enrolled in the term, and current and active in the college or major/minor to be listed in the files.  Students with multiple majors will appear in all relevant files/folders.

College filenames are of the form CC_YYYTT.csv where CC is the college code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the term in which students must be enrolled and in that college.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYTT.csv where MAJR is the major/minor code and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the term in which students must be enrolled and in that major/minor

College and Major Course Files

The purpose of these files is to provide departmental access to student academic history and final grades for the most recently graded term in academic history.  A file for the term usually does not exist until main end-of-term-processing is done for main campus for the term. Students must be enrolled in the term, and current and active in the college or major/minor to be listed in the files.  Students with multiple majors will appear in all relevant files/folders.

College filenames are of the form CC_YYYYTT_course.csv where CC is the college code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the academic history term.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYYTT_course.csv where MAJR is the Banner major code for the and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the academic history term.

College and Major Enrollment Files

The purpose of these file is to provide current registration information for the term.  Students must be enrolled in the term, and current and active in the college or major/minor to be listed in the files.  Students with multiple majors will appear in all relevant files/folders.

College filenames are of the form CC_YYYYTT_enrollment.csv where CC is the college code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the registration term.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYYTT_enrollment.csv where MAJR is the Banner major code for the and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the registration term.

Major Grade PDF Files

The purpose of these files is to provide an electronic grade report for departments that desire to maintain this information in student files. 

Filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYYTT_midterm_grades.pdf or MAJR_YYYYTT_final_grades.pdf for midterm and final grades respectively.  Similarly MAJR is the Banner major code and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the term for which the indicated grades are listed.  Files are sectioned/book-marked per student in alphabetical order by last name within the file.

College and Major Honors Files

The purpose of these files is to provide departments with information about students on the various honor rolls (i.e. President's, Dean's and Provost's Lists).  Student smust be enrolled in the term and current and active in the college or major/minor and be on one of the honor rolls in order to be listed in the files.  The code for the specific honor roll is in the file.

College filenames are of the form CC_YYYYTT_honors.csv where CC is the college code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the registration term.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYYTT_honors.csv where MAJR is the Banner major code for the and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the registration term.

College and Major Degree Files (awarded and anticipated)

The purpose of these files is to provide department with information about which students are up for (anticipated) or have been awarded degrees for the terms of interest.

College filenames filenames are of the form CC_YYYTT_anticipated.csv for anticipated graduates (i.e. those students who have put themselves up for graduation) or CC_YYYYTT_awarded.csv for degrees actually awarded.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYTT_anticipated.csv for anticipated graduates (i.e. those students who have put themselves up for graduation) or MAJR_YYYYTT_awarded for degrees actually awarded.

In both cases CC is the college code for the college and YYYYTT is the anticipated/awarded graduation term.

PERCs Files

The purpose of these files is to provide departmental staff with the Personal Electronic Registration Code (PERC) and registration times for students that should be provided as part of advising.

Filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYYTT_percs.csv since Fall 2019 (202010), or MAJR_percs_YYYYTT.csv prior to Fall 2019, where MAJR is the Banner major code and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the registration term for which PERC/times are listed.

Columns in the file include
site the student site code from most recent student term record less than registration term
coll the college code
last registration term strictly less than the registration term to assist in determining students possibly no longer attending to unassign advisors
last admission term less than or equal to registration term to assist in possibly identifying new admits and assign advisors

College Probation and Suspension Files

The purpose of these files is to provide colleges with students who are on academic probation or suspension as of the end of a given term.  Students must be in the given college and on probation or suspension at the end of the given term to be listed in the file.  Note well that continued probation students are not listed in the file, just those newly on probation or which were suspended at the end of the given term.

Filenames are of the form Probation_Suspension_YYYYTT_CC.csv where YYYYTT is the banner term at the end of which the report is run, and CC is the college code.

College and Major Withdrawals Files

The purpose of these files is to provide information on the individual course withdrawals and all-school withdrawals for students in a given college or major and term.  Withdrawals can be differentiated by the 'regstatus' column (column L) on course lines (Column A equal to C) which will be WC for individual course withdrawal or WS if the student has withdrawn from the university.  A code of WX indicates processing via some sort of exception request through the Office of the Registrar.

College filenames are of the form CC_YYYTT_withdrawals.csv where CC is the Banner college code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the term of the withdrawals.

Major filenames are of the form MAJR_YYYTT_withdrawals.csv where MAJR is the Banner major code for the college and YYYYTT is the Banner term code for the term of the withdrawals.

Change of Major Files

The purpose of these files is to provide some level of notification (beyond paper change of major forms) that a student has changed a major to or from the program reflected in the file.

Filenames end in "_changes_of_major".

These files differ from the others in the sense that they accumulate information and do not reflect current information.  New rows are added to to bottom of these files as changes are discovered during daily runs.
ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle initial with new curriculum (changed-to) on left (Column E) and the old curriculum (changed-from) is on the right (Column H).  If there is no old curriculum (aka they were just added to the program) then the word "new" appears in Column H.  The date is the date of the curriculum record when changes is noted, and the Y/N column is if the student was enrolled in what the current term at the time the line was written to the file (within 7 days of the change being made in banner).  When listed the complete flattened concurrent curricula for the student is listed with each curriculum listing college, level, degree-code, and any all major/minor/concentrations identified and listed in priority order.  If multiple curricula are present they will also be listed in priority order.

UWYO Degree Evaluation

Degree Evaluation Missing


Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar