Office of the Registrar
167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5272
Fax: (307) 766-3960
Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
These are the Curriculog roles in order of the Workflow or seriews of Approvals needed for a CAP to get completed.
Originator: | Person responsible for inputting the information for a CAP into Curriculog. |
College CAP Check: | Verifies all requested data is correct, along with appropriate syllabi submissions. |
Department Head/Approver | Person responsilble for determining if a course change or addition fits into UWYO curriculu and verifies that the data and syllabi are correct. Verifies that the Department Curriculum Committee approves and apprpriate resources exist. |
College Curriuclum Committee: |
Confirms that the course content and syllabi fit within the college curriculum, as well as the university. Determine if a course is approved for a PN, Q, V, H, G, or D attributes. |
University Studies Program: | Ensures a course meets the requirements for a COM1, COM2, COM3, or FYS. |
University Course Review Committee: |
Seeks to minimize unnecessary duplication of course content, ensure that sufficient resources exist to offer the proposed changes to the curriculum, and eveluate the academic merit of the proposal on the basis of standards appropriate to the relevant discipline for courses at all levels. |
Registrar: | Ensures UWYO acadmeic policy is being upheld and applied to course decisions. |
System Administrator: | Final check to make sure UCRC decisions are upheld. |
CCNS* | Given a comprehensive list ofall new courses or course changes at UWYO for determination before the UCRC meeting. |
Courses can be submitted through Curriculog anytime between:
06-01-2023 to 11-01-2023.
Please keep in mind that all proposals need to go through a review process, some may need revisions, and all need to be implemented by various staff members after they're approved. The speed in which they move through the process can vary, please submit the CAP as early as possible in the Curriculog system for approval for the 2024-2025 catalog.
Currently, we are working on CAPs for the 2024-2025 catalog. The 2023-2024 catalog is locked and closed.
We would ask that you please use a Topics course for Spring 2024 and create a CAP for the new course for AY fall 2024-spring 2025.
All USP 2015 attributes and A&S D and G attributes must have a CAP in Curriculog to get the attribute approved.
The attributes are determined during the CAP workflow.
You must attach the corresponding USP or A&S G and D form to the CAP for the applicable course in Curriculog. You do not need to get the signatures on the USP form, just fill out the form content.
Yes, the CAP (Course Action Proposal) process through Curriculog replaced the old paper form process previoulsy called CARF.
Office of the Registrar
167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5272
Fax: (307) 766-3960
Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar