Adjunct Faculty

Saman Aryana

Saman Aryana, Ph.D.

Occidental Petroleum Corporation Chair in Energy and Environmental Technologies;
Professor and Head, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Building, 4055
307-766-6524 |

Boone Beausoleil

Boone Beausoleil, Ph.D.

Nuclear Fuels Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory

Erica Belmont

Erica Belmont

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Education and Research Building, 222B
307-766-6073 |

Jon Brant

Jonathan Brant, Ph.D.

Vincent O. Smith Professor in Engineering;
Director, SER Center of Excellence in Produced Water Management;
Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Education and Research Building, 322A
307-766-5446 |

Ben Cook

Benjamin Cook, Ph.D.

Senior Assistant Dean and Associate Instructional Professor, Office of the Dean and Department of Economics, College of Business
College of Business Building, 380W
307-766-2858 |

Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar

Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Ph.D.

Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Idaho State University;
Reactor Administrator, AGN-201m;
American Nuclear Society President (2020-2021)
208-533-8111 |

Caleb Hill

Caleb Hill, Ph.D.

J.E. Warren Professor of Energy and the Environment;
Nielson Faculty Fellow;
Co-Director, SER Nuclear Energy Research Center
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences Building, 408
208-533-4330 | 

Shane Murphy

Shane Murphy, Ph.D.

Director, SER Center for Air Quality;
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Building, 6072
307-766-6408 | 

Jonathan Naughton

Jonathan Naughton

Co-Director, SER Wind Energy Research Center;
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Building, 1074
307-766-6284 |

Kam Ng

Kam Ng, Ph.D., P.E.

Hoy Engineering Fellow;
Provost's Term Professor;
Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Building, 3050
307-76-.4388 |

Soheil Saraji

Soheil Saraji, Ph.D.

Richard & Marilyn Lynch Non-endowed Chair in Subsurface Energy and Digital Innovation;
Director, SER Subsurface Energy and Digital Innovation Center;
Associate Professor, Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Education and Research Building, 307B
307-766-6557 |

Michael Stoellinger

Michael Stoellinger, Ph.D.

Co-Director, SER Wind Energy Research Center; 
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Engineering Building, 2024
307-766-3226 |

Temple Stoellinger

Temple Stoellinger, J.D.

Associate Dean, Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources;
Wyoming Excellence Chair;
Co-Director, Gina Guy Center for Land and Water, College of Law
Kendall House, 202
307-766-6450 |

MIchael Urynowicz

Michael Urynowicz, Ph.D., P.E.

Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Director, Center for Biogenic Natural Gas Research
Engineering Building, 3087
307-766-2221 |

Haibo Zhai

Haibo Zhai, Ph.D.

Roy & Caryl Cline Distinguished Chair in Engineering;
Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences       
Engineering Building, 3034
307-766-2318 |

Contact Us
Heather Chandler
Office Associate, Senior
School of Energy Resources
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3012
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Phone: (307) 760-3721


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