Stable Isotope Facility

Balance Scheduling and Use Policy

The SIF has recently added another sartorious balance for users to schedule.  Please read the following for scheduling and polices for all SIF balances.

General Scheduling of the Balance

All researchers/users should reserve a balance by contacting SIF.  In order to serve the entire UW community one user can only reserve the balance for a maximum of 4 hours per day.  If a discrepancy arises Chandelle will be responsible for allotting the correct amount of balance time for each request. In the event that a researcher/user requires more time than assigned, that researcher/user will need to contact Chandelle for approval of possible adjustments to the balance schedule.  Any balance time needed by the SIF for analysis will have priority.  The balances are often in high demand.  The Stable Isotope Facility expects that the user will use the balance for the time allotted them.  If the user is unable to use the balance in the time scheduled, the SIF should be contacted 24hrs in advance.  If a user does not contact the SIF 24hs in advance to cancel the time, they may not be allowed to use the balance in the future.

Balance Use

All users must be trained by SIF staff before they will be allowed to use any balance.  Equipment should be checked by the user before use, to ensure the system is in proper condition and is in working order.  If equipment is not working please notify SIF personnel.  The balance will be checked after each use to ensure it has not been compromised by the user.  If there is any damage caused by the user, the user will be charged for any repair or replacement needed.

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