Graduate Student Resources


The best source for current graduate information, including dissertation/thesis guidelines, committee forms, and steps to take for graduating, are found on the Graduate Programs site. Information about financial aid and scholarships is also available through Student Financial Aid

Graduate Student Forms

Students can download required Graduate Student Forms from the UW Registrar's site. For any form that requires an ID number, always use your W#. Never put your social security number on forms. W#s can be looked up through WyoWeb.

Program Worksheets



Steps to Complete to Graduate

  • Visit the University of Wyoming Commencement page for information
  • Form a graduate committee and fill out a Program of Study, being sure to include all core courses, and get committee approval.  See above for more details on this form.
  • Complete all coursework on approved Program of Study.

The semester you intend to graduate, you must do the following:

  • Be enrolled in at least one credit.  If all of your coursework is complete, you can enroll in continuous registration.
  • Declare your graduation date through WyoRecords as early in the semester as possible (or the semester prior). If there are problems with any of your paperwork at this time, you will be contacted by the Registrar's office and/or the C&I Office Associate.
  • Fill out and have your committee sign the Report of Final Examination Form at the defense or at their approval.  Dissertation and Plan A Thesis students must sign the form, but Plan B non-thesis students do not need to do so.  Signatures may be collected electronically. This form should then be emailed to the C&I Office Associate for other signatures and delivery to the Registrar. This form is not needed if you are ONLY doing a graduate certificate.
  • Check on the current formatting and submission requirements for your Dissertation or Thesis in Acalog.
  • Pay the graduation fee to the Registrar's Office. Please contact them for details.
  • All paperwork must be complete and submitted prior to the last day of class you wish to graduate.  This varies by semester but is typically the first week of December for Fall, the last week of April for Spring, and the first week of August for Summer. Exact dates can be found on the University calendar.
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