Contact Us


College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

Suite 23

Laramie, WY 82071


Mailing address:

Wyoming Reclamation & Restoration Center

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. 3354

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3576


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WRRC Presentations

Wyoming Reclamation and Restoration Center


Soil Amendment Applications During Drought - Brenda Schladweiler, BKS Environmental
The Importance of Reclamation Planning and Site Assessment - Pete Stahl, Director, Wyoming Reclamation & Restoration Center
BMPs to Establish a Diverse Plant Community - Kristina Hufford, University of Wyoming
Reclamation/Restoration Success Best Management Practices - Joseph Debebe, Pinedale Field District Office, BLM
Weed Management Principles for Reclamation - Beth Fowers, University of Wyoming
Do Surface Preparation and Planting Methods Matter? - Calvin Strom, University of Wyoming, WRRC
Wyoming's Approach to Sage-Grouse Conservation - Tom Christiansen, Wyoming Game & Fish Department
WGFD Core Area Reclamation Requirements - Scott Gamo, Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Re-establishing Diverse Plant Communities - Pete Guernsey, QEP Resources
North Antelope Rochelle Mine's Approach to Sagebrush Re-establishment - Paul Griswold, North Antelope Rochelle Mine
Restoring Genetically Diverse Plant Communities - Kristina Hufford, University of Wyoming
Growing Sagebrush from Seed - Paul Griswold, North Antelope Rochelle Mine
Monitoring Sage-Grouse Populations - Jeffrey Beck, University of Wyoming
Managing weeds with sage-grouse in mind - Brian Mealor, University of Wyoming
Statewide Prioritization of Cheatgrass Infestations in Wyoming - Cara Noseworthy, University of Wyoming
Rangeland Monitoring - Matt Holloran, Wyoming Wildlife Consultants, LLC
Connectivity and Corridors in Habitat Restoration - Beth Fitzpatrick, University of Wyoming
Wyoming Conservation Exchange - Kristi Hansen, University of Wyoming
Weed Control and Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration
Cheryl Schwartzkopf, Converse County Weed and Pest
Sagebrush Reestablishment for Habitat Restoration
Kyle Wendtland, Antelope Mine, Cloud Peak Energy
Species Selection and Seed Mixes for Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration
Susan Winslow, NRCS Bridger Plant Materials Center
Grazing Management and Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration
Rick Peterson, Wyoming Game and Fish
Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Efforts in Wyoming
Scott Gamo, Wyoming Game and Fish
Planting Methods and Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration
Calvin Strom, Wyoming Reclamation and Restoration Center
Monitoring and Habitat Restoration
Chuck Butterfield, Y2Consultants
Bighorn Consultants Approach to Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration
Tom Maechte, Bighorn Environmental Consultants
Bighorn Consultants Sage Grouse Mitigation Work
Chris Kirol, Bighorn Environmental Consultants
Techniques for Sage Grouse Habitat Improvement
Kurt Smith, UW Graduate Student
Peter Stahl, Reclamation Planning
Jay Norton, Soil Management
Kristina Hufford, Seed Source
Rachel Mealor, Seeding Essentials
Brian Mealor, Weed ID and Management
Jeff Beck, Wildlife Issues
Bill Agnew, Granite Seed and Erosion Control, Challenges of Native Seed Collection
Dustin Terrell, Sharpe Bros. Seed Company, Challenges of Native Seed Collection II
Mark Majerus, retired Plant Materials Agronomist, Seed Sources and Genetic Integrity
Betsy Mock, UW Graduate student, Ag Economics, Economics of the Native Seed Industry
Adrienne Pilmanis, Botanist BLM, The Seeds of Success Program in Wyoming
Gil Waibel, Director, WY State Seed Lab, Services of the Wyoming Seed Lab
Susan Winslow, Agronomist, Bridger Plant Materials Center, Native Plant Materials Selection at Bridger Plant Materials Center
Contact Us


College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

Suite 23

Laramie, WY 82071


Mailing address:

Wyoming Reclamation & Restoration Center

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. 3354

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3576


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