Bucking the Bug is working to integrate enhanced infection control content to help the future nursing and allied health workforce start their careers with a solid understanding of infection control theory and realities of practice. The program includes training modules and an interactive escape room.
The goal of Project Firstline is to educate early career healthcare workers and students in order to provide a solid foundation in the principles of infection control and the skills needed to keep themselves and their patients safe.
Download the Bucking the Bug: Project Firstline for Infection Prevention and Control brochure now!
These training modules are a part of Project Firstline, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) innovative infection control training collaborative, and are designed to further integrate essential infection control training and practice into nursing and allied health curriculum. The modules are created by the CDC and are hosted by Dr. Abby Carlson. The micro-learning modules teach the basic principles of infection control, prevention of COVID-19, and use of infection control actions to protect you, your patients, your coworkers, and your community.
Modules Include:
What’s the Goal of Infection Control?
Sars-Cov-2? Covid-19? What’s the Difference?
What’s a Virus?
What’s a Respiratory Droplet? Why Does it Matter?
How do Viruses Make You Sick?
How Do Viruses Spread From Surfaces To People?
How does COVID-19 spread? A Review
How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vaccine Vial? Part 1
How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vaccine Vial? Part 2
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Why is Eye Protection Recommended for COVID-19?
Why are Gloves Recommended for COVID-19?
Why are Gowns Recommended for COVID-19?
What is a Respirator?
What is an N95?
How Do I Test the Seal on my N95?
Cleaning? Disinfection? What is the Difference?
What is Ventilation?
Why Does Ventilation Matter?
What Do New COVID-19 Strains Mean for Infection Control?
Why Do Cleaning and Disinfection Matter in Healthcare?
Do We Really Have to Talk About Hand Hygiene? Again? Yes!
Why Does Contact Time Matter for Disinfection?
What is Source Control?
How Can COVID-19 Spread When You Don’t Feel Sick?
Ideas for incorporating the modules into classes and trainings: Require prior to clinical training or internship placements. Infuse into in-person or online classes. Offer as self-study or extra credit. Estimated completion time 5-10 minutes per module.
We are in desperate need of your help! Our beloved superhero, Captain Germ-B-Gone,
is fighting the never-ending battle to protect our world from the devastating power
of multiplying variants, but he can't do it alone! He needs you, the REAL heroes in
this story, to help outwit his arch-enemy, Clutterbug, and stop his evil germ-spreading
deeds right at the source. Do you have what it takes to unlock the clues without catching
the flu? It's all up to you!
Escape room details: In teams of five to six people, you will have 30 minutes to navigate Clutterbug's clever traps and unite with Captain Germ-B-Gone to proclaim victory. Get ready to shine! You must complete each station as a team. If at any time during the exercise the team breaks apart, a 10-second penalty will be added to your time. You are allowed two hints but each one will cost you 30 seconds. Use the hints wisely!
If you would like more information or you like to RSVP your name/group to participate in an Project Firstline Escape Room, please complete the RSVP Survey now! You will receive more info to the email you RSVP with.
Please contact wycoa@uwyo.edu with any questions!