Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu
Emergency Responders: Tips for taking care of yourself, from the CDC
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides tools and resources for
nonprofit's and intermediary organizations engaged in capacity building.
Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships works to build
bridges between the federal government and nonprofit organizations, both secular and
faith-based, to better serve Americans in need. The office advances this work through
centers in various federal agencies.
Fire and the Older Adult (PDF)
The U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Data Center provides a PDF of Fire and the Older Adult topics include Fire Risk Factors to Older Adults, Risk of Fire Fatality, Residential Fires and Older
Adults, and Fire Education and Prevention.
Tip Sheets for First Responders. The Tip Sheets For First Responders were developed in response to requests from first responders who wanted quick, easy-to-understand guidance on how to effectively work with people with a wide range of physical and cognitive disabilities in emergency situations.
Wyoming Center on Aging Resources for Hoarding
Mental Health First AID USA
A course designed to help communities better understand mental illness and respond
to psychiatric emergencies. Check Take a Course for courses taught in Wyoming.
Building Mental Resilience During a Crisis. Now more than ever, people in helping professions are balancing roles and responsibilities for others in need while also adapting to changing circumstances, grieving the loss of normalcy and managing the expectations of others in a crisis. How can they manage their own mental health while being pulled in different directions?
Physical and Emotional Abuse of the Elderly
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing describes The Problem of Elder Physical and Emotional Abuse, Laws Relating to Elder Physical
and Emotional Abuse, Harms Caused by Elder Physical and Emotional Abuse, and Factors Contributing to Elder Physical and Emotional Abuse.
Financial Crimes Against the Elderly
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing describes the problem of financial crimes
against the elderly, related problems, and contributing factors in Guide No. 20.
Respite Care
The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Center discusses Using Respite Care, Types of Respite Care, and Overcoming Concerns.
Information on Respite Providers or Programs
The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center provides information on Finding Respite Providers or Programs, Respite Funding and Eligibility, and Additional Resources.
Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu