Office: Room 332, Agriculture C
Phone: (307) 766-2532
Professional Affiliations
American Assoc. of Geographers | Univ. Consortium of Geographic Information Science | Wyoming Geospatial Organization
Current Courses Taught
Other Recent Teaching
Research Interests
Representative Recent / Ongoing Projects
Representative Publications
C. Yang, P. Fu, M.F. Goodchild, C. Xu, 2019. Integrating GIScience Application through Mashup. CyberGIS for Geospatial Discovery and Innovation. S.W. Wang and M.F. Goodchild. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.87-112.
W. Heili, C. Xu, and N.J. Crane, 2019. Pokémon GO, cyborgs, and placemaking: Challenging the digital-physical divide. (eds.) J. Henthorn et al., Pokémon GO. McFarland Press, pp.205-219.
Zhou X., C. Xu, 2017. Tracing the spatial-temporal evolution of events based on social media data. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 6(3): 1-15.
Xu C., Qin H.* and Yu M.*, 2015. Visualizing spatiotemporal trajectories of mobile social media users using space-time cube. CaGIS 42: sup1: 75-83.
C. Xu, W.D. Wong, C. Yang, 2013. Evaluating the “geographic awareness” of individuals: An exploratory analysis of Twitter. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 40(2).