Frequently Asked Questions

Submitting Samples

Tests are offered in various areas of analysis, including necropsy, histopathology, bacteriology, parasitology, clinical pathology, serology, toxicology, and virology. The WSVL also operates a State-Federal Cooperative program to provide for regulatory testing that is requested within the state [e.g. Brucellosis and EIA testing Coggins test)]. For a complete list of tests offered, please see our Fee Schedule.
Yes, rabies testing is performed. As this is a public health service, there is no charge for in-state rabies testing. Information can be found on the Rabies Information Page.
Test costs vary by type of test and number of samples. Please see our Fee Schedule.

The WSVL is located at 1174 Snowy Range Road in Laramie, WY. Sample drop off is located at the back of the building, at the southwest corner. Access this area by following the road to the right, and following the sample-drop off signs to the back of the building. There is also a drop box and carcass drop off near this door. Please see the sample drop-off map.

Please ensure that all samples are submitted only with a fully completed submission form.  Refer to the Forms and Sampling Page for more information.

Samples required vary by test, and are listed on the Fee Schedule. Please call either the lab section of interest or 307-766-9925 with other questions.  Please ensure that all samples are submitted only with a fully completed submission form.  Refer to the Forms and Sampling Page for more information.

Business hours are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during the academic year (generally late August to early May), and from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm during the summer months.
Additional paperwork, pictures, or information can be emailed to
It is recommended to call the pathologist on duty (main office: 307-766-9925) before coming to the lab as they will want to discuss the accession and ask for additional information. Deceased animals for necropsies may be dropped off Monday-Friday during normal business hours.
Yes. If either of these systems is used please include a copy of the form with the samples submitted.

Samples can be submitted to the lab by all major carriers.  

Ship to:

Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory

1174 Snowy Range Rd

Laramie, WY 82072

Samples can also be shipped via UPS or Fedex at a discounted rate using the Inbound Shipping Program.

Please ensure that all samples are submitted only with a fully completed submission form.  Refer to the Forms and Sampling Page for more information.

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Results and Billing

Results are emailed as they become available according to the default account preference. Results can also be accessed online at the WSVL Web Client Access Database Website. If you would like to change the default method for receiving results to mail, please call (307)766-9925.
Invoices are emailed when the case is finalized. Statements are printed and mailed monthly. To have them emailed please contact the accountant at (307)766-9928.
An invoice lists the detailed charges and total due for that particular accession. A statement lists all charges and adjustments on the account for the past month, with only totals listed. Invoices are generated for each accession. Statements are generated monthly.
Visa and MasterCard are both accepted by the WSVL. The payments can be made here. This may also be found on the Client Services page at the “Pay Your Bill” link.
Maintenance of client confidentiality is fundamental for the WSVL. If a foreign animal disease is suspected, the WSVL works closely with the State Veterinarian and the USDA Area Veterinarian in Charge. The WSVL reports findings related to public health (rabies, plague, tularemia, Q fever, salmonellosis, etc.) to the Wyoming Department of Health. The WSVL collects summary data and uses accession materials to augment our research and extension missions. This is done in such a manner as to avoid breaking client confidence.

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Requesting Supplies

Various supplies for packaging samples including Whirl-paks, formalin containers, shipping cartons, blood tube mailers, and forms are provided. Please contact the Necropsy department at (307) 766-9920 for information on ordering these supplies or indicate the appropriate choice on the accession form if supplies are needed.

Virology supplies PBS tubes for collecting ear notches for BVDV ELISAs – call (307) 766-9933 to request tubes. Click here for more information.

Parasitology provides either pre-filled or empty Trichomoniasis tubes. Call (307)766-9958 to request tubes.  Click here for more information.

Regulatory Serology provides blood tubes and shipping supplies for veterinarians within the Designated Surveillance Area (DSA).  Please call (307)766-9925 to request supplies.

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Visitors to the WSVL are hosted regularly. These include prospective student visits, FFA groups, college students, industry groups, political representatives, veterinarians, and interested producers.

To arrange a time to visit the facility and see what is involved in diagnosing disease in animals, please contact the lab at (307) 766-9925 or  

Undergraduate student employees are hired in the various diagnostic and research lab sections. Please apply at the open job requesition listed on our Current Job Openings page.

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Contact Us

Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory

1174 Snowy Range Rd

Laramie, WY 82070

Phone: 307-766-9925

Toll Free: 1-800-442-8331


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