Program in Ecology and Evolution Graduate Degree

The University of Wyoming's ecology graduate program provides students with advanced, integrated training in the science of ecology. The Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) is an interdisciplinary doctoral program focusing on the scientific study of the relations between organisms and their environments.

Research interests of participating faculty span a broad range of organisms, environments, analytical tools, and spatial and temporal scales.

Program in Ecology and Evolution students receive training in the conceptual, philosophical, and historical underpinnings of ecological knowledge, as well as leadership and communication skills relevant to contemporary professional and public settings.

The Program in Ecology and Evolution offers students:

  • Diverse research opportunities spanning the breadth of ecology,

  • Advanced training and facilities in cutting-edge analytical tools,

  • Grounding in the philosophical and historical underpinnings of ecology studies,

  • Leadership and communication preparation for scientific and public arenas,

  • Ample opportunities to network and collaborate with fellow students and faculty across departments and colleges.


Ecology Related Seminars

Click here to see the list of ecology-related seminars this week by clicking the link below!

Program in Ecology 2016 Overview

Download this summary of the Program in Ecology's faculty and student achievements, as of Summer 2016.

About Program in Ecology
Listen to previous PiE Director, Dr. Bob Hall, discuss ecology and environmentalism
Contact Us

Program in Ecology and Evolution

Interdisciplinary Program

Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator

School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247

Phone: 307-766-4128



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