Current Assessment Activities




Current assessment activities include information on a range of projects and activities recently completed or currently underway to gauge student learning, make improvements, or respond to accountability interests.

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2021). NILOA Current Assessment Activities

UW students and instructor working on activity at table with note cards




Welcome to the 2024/25 Academic Year. We invite all UW instructors, administrators, and staff to take advantage of the Assessment Activities we offer. Our programming is tailored based on need and 'closing the loop' on internal assessment processes, i.e., we offer programs we feel will best meet the current needs of our campus community. We look forward to working with you this year. 




Program Curriculum Mapping Workshops

Curriculum maps will be incorporated into Program Assessment Reports on September 4, 2024 (please note - updated date reflected). In collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs, the ECTL is offering workshops to help programs work through curriculum maps, looking at student learning outcomes (SLOs), courses offered, and mapping student learning. Some programs will be better equipped to complete curriculum maps than others, thus this session will attempt to meet programs where they are in a workshop format where many templates will be utilized. 

August 2024 Workshops:

August 8th | 1:30-2:30 pm (MST) | Coe Library 511 & Zoom

August 12th | 2:00-3:00 pm (MST) | Coe Library 511 & Zoom

August 15th | 10:30-11:30 am (MST) | ZOOM ONLY

August 28th | 3:00-4:00 pm (MST) | Coe Library 511 & Zoom

Please see session slides and template links below. 

Graduate Program Curriculum Map Presentation Slides

Curriculum Map Template Information Sheet

Fillable Curriculum Map Template

August 8th Session Registration

August 12 Session Registration

August 15th Session Registration

August 28th Session Registration


Assessment Learning Community AY 2024/25 

Let's take some time to talk about assessment! Join the Assessment Learning Community for engaging conversations and to think with your peers about assessment for student learning at UW. We invite you to form teams of 2-4 people who are within your department, division, or program and join this assessment faculty learning community together. This opportunity is open to anyone on campus interested in assessment. Teams will utilize two texts (Meaningful and Manageable Program Assessment: A How-To Guide for Higher Education Faculty & Coming to Terms with Student Outcomes Assessment) and connect with the UW Assessment Coordinators throughout this experience. Expected outcomes include: develop a program assessment plan, establish or revise rubrics, create curriculum maps, and build a culture of assessment.

Application: Applications are closed for this academic year - please check in August/September 2024 for AY 2024/2025
Questions: Heather Webb Springer at 

Matrix Pilot Program

The Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning (ECTL) Assessment Teach in collaboration with Dr. Francois Jacobs, in the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences, will continue to develop and pilot the UW Programmable Assessment Matrix. The UW Programmable Assessment Matrix is designed for curriculum mapping and assessment tracking. 

This matrix was developed and successfully deployed during the National Accreditation visit for the Construction Management program and has proven successful with features that can be customized for use by other departments and academic programs.

We acknowledge and celebrate the UW Assessment Matrix pilot programs for their work and dedication to assessment for student learning: Honors College, ASL Certificate Program (College of Health Sciences), Gender and Women's Studies (College of Arts & Sciences), and the Master of Science in Learning, Design and Technology (College of Education). 

"The University of Wyoming (UW) Assessment Matrix: Using Technologies to Advance Assessment for Student Learning" - UW Assessment Matrix presentation included in the 2023 Assessment Institute (Conference Program | page 38) in Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Recruitment of programs to utilize the Assessment Matrix is ongoing and programs interested in utilizing the Assessment Matrix are encouraged to email Heather at You can find more information at the Assessment Matrix website.  


Assessment Support and Consultations

Workshops, academies, sponsorship to attend virtual webinars and conferences, assessment library, consultations (one-on-one, program and/or department), and assessment book purchases are all available to instructors and staff seeking support in the area of assessment for student learning. We encourage you to connect with us by attending an event, completing the ECTL Consultation Form and/or emailing Heather at

You may also access online resources by visiting our Assessment Resources page.

The ECTL Assessment Team and University Assessment Coordinators are here to help, and we look forward to supporting your work. 

National Assessment Events:

International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education | June 23-26, 2024 | Berlin, Germany

IUPUI Assessment Institute | October 27-29, 2024 | Indianapolis, IN 

POD Network | November 20-24, 2024 | Chicago, IL

  • Virtual and In-Person Conference Options Available

Higher Learning Conference (HLC) | April 5-8, 2025 | Chicago, IL | various events/workshops/seminars

Association for the Assesessment of Learning in Higher Education, AALHE | 2025 Location and Dates TBD

The Teacher Professor Conference | June 6-8, 2025 | Washington D.C.

Elon University Directory for Teaching & Learning Conferences

Contact Us

Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning

1000 E. University, Dept. 3334

Coe Library 510

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766-4847


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