Contact Us

    Human Resources

    Campus: Hill Hall 3rd Floor

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071-2000

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5607


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    The following resources are for administrative and staff performance evaluations. They do not apply to faculty annual reviews, which are completed in WyoFolio. If you have questions about your faculty annual review, please reach out to your supervisor first.
    A branch of flowers outside of a campus building.



    Each date listed below is an open information session. On the date and time provided click the link for the Teams session. Past dates will open a recording of that session for later review. 

    Upcoming Goal Information Session dates:

    • Please check back in January for newly scheduled Evaluation Trainings

    In person training is available upon request

    Previously Recorded Session:

    Administrative Staff Performance Evaluations
    Completing the Annual Performance Evaluation process for administrative staff.  This guide outlines the process both as a supervisor and employee.

    Classified Staff Performance Evaluations
    Completing the Annual Performance Evaluations process for classified staff from both the supervisor and employee perspective.


    The University of Wyoming Service Desk is here to help you with your technology needs. From computer support to telecom, we have solutions for you. 

    For support on performance evaluation issues please open a customer support ticket.

    Human Resources has developed the Rating Recommendation Document to help standardize the WyoCloud performance evaluation ratings across campus.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, employees can receive a 5 rating for far exceeding departmental expectations. Please review the document for further help with determining well calibrated scores.

    Calibrate Evaluation Scores

    Human Resources does not recommend that supervisors alter the 50% split between competencies and goals. However, supervisors are encouraged to adjust the percentages for individual goals and individual competencies. 

    Probationary employees who are hired on or before October 1st should have an evaluation completed in HCM. If the employees who are hired after October do not require an evaluation. The supervisor should cancel and delete these evaluation. For steps on how to cancel and delete the evaluation please use the quick video tutorial provided below. 

    Employees who have had a mid-year change of supervision due to a transfer, promotion or change in supervisors should be evaluated by the new supervisor if the change is effective prior to October 1st. The previous supervisor should conduct the evaluation if the transfer or promotion is effective between October 1st and December 31st. In either case it is appropriate for the current supervisor to contact the prior supervisor for feedback. 

    Transfer Performance Evaluation

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for "load more" on the right hand side. This will load additional employee evaluations to be viewed.

    If "load more" is not located in the lower right hand of the page, please reach out to Renee Ballard or Kimberly Briones.

    Please go under My Profile/Learning and see if there are any trainings listed under required trainings. If yes, please complete these trainings.

    If not, please contact Renee Ballard or Kimberly Briones..

    Make sure to use the shortcuts "CNTRL C" for copy or "CNTRL X" for cut and "CNTRL V" for paste, to copy/cut and paste the text into HCM. This should prevent issues.

    1.HR recommends supervisors meet with Employee once a quarter

    • 1st quarter - separate meeting to set goals for the year
    • 2nd quarter – review status of goals
      • during one-on-one meeting, take 10 minutes to review goal progression
        • What goals have been started?
        • What goals have not been started?
        • Is there an issue that the employee needs help on
        • Are all the goals still realistic and obtainable?
        • Are additional goals appropriate?
    • 3rd quarter – review status of goals
        • during one-on-one meeting, take 10 minutes to review goal progression
        • What goals have been started?
        • What goals have not been started?
        • Is there an issue that the employee needs help on
        • Are all the goals still realistic and obtainable?
        • Are additional goals appropriate?
    • 4th quarter – finalize goals
      • Are the goals in progress or completed
      • If goals are not started should the goal be removed?
      • Does the goal have established success criteria that is understood by supervisor and employee.


    Performance Evaluations for classified staff and administrative personnel are located in HCM. Faculty evaluations are located in WyoFolio. You can access HCM from WyoWeb under the Faculty & Staff WyoCloud column.

    WyoSecure (VPN)

    Two-Factor Authentication at the University of Wyoming - How to Enroll

    You can locate your goals in HCM clicking My Profile > Career Performance > Performance.

    You can locate your goals in HCM clicking My Profile > Career Performance > Goals Center.

    You can locate evaluations for your employees by clicking My Teams/Performance

    You can locate your employees goals in HCM > My Team > Goals.

    Employees who have had a mid-year change of supervision due to a transfer, promotion or change in supervisors should be evaluated by the new supervisor if the change is effective prior to October 1st. The previous supervisor should conduct the evaluation if the transfer or promotion is effective between October 1st and December 31st. In either case it is appropriate for the current supervisor to contact the prior supervisor for feedback. 

    Transfer Performance Evaluation

    Evaluation Steps

    In this first step the supervisor will need to sign into HCM and open the evaluation locating the edit button to set weights for competencies and goals as well as ensuring goals are correct for the applicable review period. When completed the two sections, competencies and goals, should have weights set to 100%. After weights are set the supervisor may click submit. The task is completed after the supervisor clicks submit. The Employee will receive a notification to complete their Self-Evaluation. 

    This task will begin after the supervisor sets the weighting for competencies and goals on the employees evaluation. The employee will receive a notification saying, "Set Goals in evaluation applicable review period was Completed by the Supervisor." The employee can follow the link or go into HCM to conduct their self-evaluation. The employee should rate themselves and provide comments for each competency and goal. When complete the employee will click "Submit" in the upper right hand corner. This action will send the evaluation back to the supervisor to complete their ratings.

    Always look for the "Load more Items" link located at the bottom of the page as HCM only loads a few competencies and goals at a time. 

    This task is initiated after the employee completes their self-evaluation. The supervisor will receive a notification saying, "Self-Evaluation for your employee in Evaluation applicable review period was Completed." The supervisor can go in through the link provided on enter HCM and access the employee evaluation. The supervisor must provide a rating for each competency and goal in the evaluation. Comments are highly encouraged, especially for any rating where the employee is not meeting or exceeding expectations.

    When completed the supervisor should click the "Submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This action locks in your response but does not advance the document to the next stage. To advance the document the supervisor must share the evaluation with the employee which is covered in the next block (Supervisor) Shares Evaluation with Employee

    Always look for the "Load more Items" link located at the bottom of the page as HCM only loads a few competencies and goals at a time. 

    This task is completed after the supervisor clicks submit on their employees evaluation. To advance the document the supervisor must share the evaluation with the employee so they have a copy before initiating a feedback/review meeting. The supervisor has 2 options provided in a banner at the top of the page, Share and Retain and Share and Release.

    Share and Retain - The supervisor can Share and Retain the document. This allows the employee to review the document while the supervisor retains the ability to further edit the evaluation. Share and Retain will not move the document to the next task. The supervisor must click Share and Release to move the document forward. *****Share and Retain allows the supervisor to conduct the in person review then go back to the document later for editing*****

    Share and Release - To move the document to the next task the supervisor must click Share and Release this will allow the employee to view the document and the supervisor releases control to edit the document. The Supervisor must choose to Share and Release to move the document to the next task. 

    Releasing the Document – Once the supervisor has released the document they can no longer edit it, and it is locked for review. If the document requires further editing after releasing it Human Resources must move the document task back for you

    This task is initiated by the supervisor after they have Shared and Released the performance document and have completed a feedback session with the employee. The supervisor will not receive a notification to do so so and must schedule the feedback session on their own and then go back into HCM to enter the date the review meeting was held. After the supervisor completes this task the employee will receive a notification confirming the date the review meeting was held. 

    (Employee) Confirms Review Meeting Held

    (Supervisor) Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval

    The Next Level supervisor will receive a notification to approve or reject the evaluation. They may approve or reject through the notification bell.


    The University of Wyoming Service Desk is here to help you with your technology needs. From computer support to telecom, we have solutions for you. 

     For support on performance evaluation issues please open a customer support ticket.



    Make sure to use the shortcuts "CNTRL C" for copy or "CNTRL V" for cut and "CNTRL P" for paste, to copy and paste the text into HCM. This should prevent issues

    Employees who have had a mid-year change of supervision due to a transfer, promotion or change in supervisors should be evaluated by the new supervisor if the change is effective prior to October 1st. The previous supervisor should conduct the evaluation if the transfer or promotion is effective between October 1st and December 31st. In either case it is appropriate for the current supervisor to contact the prior supervisor for feedback. 

    The video below will provide a quick walk through on how the current supervisor can transfer the evaluation to the previous supervisor. 

    Transfer an Evaluation

    Contact Us

    Human Resources

    Campus: Hill Hall 3rd Floor

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071-2000

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5607


    Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)