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Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

Dr. Scott Henkel, Director

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071


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Research Group Faculty Fellowship

The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research calls for UW faculty and researchers, regardless of rank, to apply for Humanities Research Group fellowships for Academic Year 2024-25.

Fellows will work together in a weekly Research Group meeting, in which they will workshop projects in progress. All fellows will receive a $4000 stipend. Fellows in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Agriculture, Honors College, and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources will also receive one course replacement during the fellowship year. Fellows in the Libraries, UW Museum, and American Heritage Center will receive an equivalent amount of release time. Fellows in other units may receive a course release, at the discretion of their dean or director.

Stipends are generously supported by the Research and Economic Development Division; funds for course replacement are generously supported by the units named above.

Fellows will commit to the submission of a publication, performance, or exhibit of their work, or an external grant or fellowship proposal within twelve months of the receipt of the fellowship and to acknowledging the humanities research institute their final publication, performance, or exhibition. Fellows must be in residence during the entire fellowship year.

We welcome projects in the humanities, broadly defined. Interdisciplinary work is welcome, provided that the humanities content of the project is substantial. Fellows will be encouraged to share their work with the community; therefore projects with a public-facing character will receive special consideration. For questions about defining the humanities, please see the information by the Wyoming Humanities Council at this link:

To apply for the Faculty Fellowship program, please follow the format below, which is modeled on the application for fellowships and grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Wyoming Humanities Council, as well as the format generally accepted by university presses for book proposals. (For sample applications, see All application materials must be received by the application deadline.  Applications that are late, incomplete, or that violate the format requirements described below (including page limits) will not be considered. By following these guidelines, applicants will therefore have advanced drafts of proposals to submit for external funding and for publication.

The deadline for application is 24 January 2024. Please send the completed application form in a single PDF to with a copy to


Contact Us

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

Dr. Scott Henkel, Director

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071


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