Contact Us

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

Dr. Scott Henkel, Director

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071


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Subvention Fund Application

The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research (WIHR) is pleased to call for applications for
subvention funds to help defray costs of publishing original research with significant humanities

This program is generously supported in part by the College of Arts and Sciences.
Funds may be used only for current or upcoming expenses directly related to publication, such
as image preparation, permissions, indexing, proofreading, or the like. These funds may only be
used for publications in not-for-profit presses, journals, or other venues. Specific funding
amounts will vary depending upon subvention needs and availability of funds; the average
award may be $750. Pre-tenure faculty will receive preference, but all faculty and staff,
regardless of rank, are welcome to apply.

To apply, submit a contract or communication from the publishing venue stating that the work
has been accepted for publication, together with a statement of no longer than one page,

  • An abstract of the publication

  • Its publishing venue

  • The status of the publication

  • A brief budget describing how the funds will be used

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, on the 15th of every month. Please send
questions and applications to with a copy to

Recipients of subventions are requested to forward a copy of the final product (book, article,
resource) to WIHR upon publication. Recipients are required to credit the Wyoming Institute for
Humanities Research in the publication’s acknowledgements.

Contact Us

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

Dr. Scott Henkel, Director

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071


WIHR logo
Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)