Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research
The Cooper House
1000 East University Avenue
Department 4036
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: humanities@uwyo.edu
The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research invites applications from scholars across the humanities for our General Research Fund program.
This funding opportunity will support research projects in the humanities, including but not limited to expenses for archival access, data access, copying, indexing, proofreading, and/or materials. It does not cover publication subvention funds (for which there is another institute program).
To apply, please submit your CV and a brief (1-2 pages) description of your project that includes an explanation of how the funds will advance your work, and a budget. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and should be submitted to humanities@uwyo.edu.
To request funding for research travel, please see the guidelines below.
Research Travel Funding: Application Deadline February 10
WIHR seeks proposals from UW faculty doing humanities-related work to help support their research travel. Funds must be expended by June 30, 2025, and cannot be used to pre-pay travel that happens after the end of the fiscal year.
Priority will be given to travel for fieldwork, data collection, or archival research, although we will also consider funding conference travel if faculty will be presenting their research at the meeting. Requests are limited to $2500; if the travel you are proposing will exceed this amount, please indicate how you plan to fund the remainder of the trip.
Please submit the following to humanities@uwyo.edu by February 10:
1. A summary of the research project and a description of how this trip will further its aims, including anticipated deliverables (book chapter, essay, community-engaged exhibit, etc.). (2 pages)
2. A travel budget that includes contributions (existing and anticipated) from other units.
Please note that our funds are limited, so we will not be able to support all projects—but we are keen to help humanities faculty conduct their excellent research.
When you return from your trip, you should submit a short report on your activities to WIHR, and you may be asked to contribute to a social media post or to record a short interview with a member of the Institute to publicize your research.
Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research
The Cooper House
1000 East University Avenue
Department 4036
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: humanities@uwyo.edu