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Contact Us

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071

Email: humanities@uwyo.edu

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Funding Opportunities

The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research welcomes applications for its funding programs from faculty and staff at UW and the state's community colleges, regardless of home unit, location, or rank, whose project has humanities content. While the requirements of particular funding competitions may vary, and selections will be made according to quality, we wish to invite for consideration a great diversity of projects anchored in the humanities, including interdisciplinary projects. In keeping with the land-grant mission, events and programs will be open to the public.
The institute has two cohort programs: the Humanities Research Group fellowship for faculty and the Democracy Lab program for faculty, staff, students, and the public. Other funding opportunities are listed in the menu on the left. These include funds for research projects, subventions, events, and working groups. The institute also serves as the nominating body for the NEH Summer Stipend Grant for UW tenured and tenure-track faculty members and provides the same level of support should the nominee not be selected by NEH.
In Spring 2025, the institute will begin awarding a scholarship for undergraduate students, in partnership with the College of Arts & Sciences.
Contact Us

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

The Cooper House

1000 East University Avenue

Department 4036

Laramie, WY 82071

Email: humanities@uwyo.edu

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