Michael Stoellinger
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Room 2024, Engineering Building
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3226
Email: mstoell@uwyo.edu
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Room 2024, Engineering Building
University of Wyoming
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307.766.3226
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Wyoming, 2010
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2005
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, 2012-current
Postdoctoral Researcher, Applied Science, Delft University of Technology, 2010-2012
Graduate Research Assistant, Mathematics, University of Wyoming, 2005-2010
Graduate Research Assistant , Technical University of Munich, 2001-2004
Research Interests
Research is focused in the areas of modeling and simulation of turbulent and reactive flows. Methods include probability density function (PDF) models for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approaches and their coupling with radiative heat transfer. Applications include premixed gaseous combustion, clean combustion concepts such as flameless combustion and oxy-fuel combustion of alternative fuels, coal combustion and gasification, and soot formation in ultra rich combustion. Hybrid LES/RANS methods which allow to extend LES to high Re-number wall bounded flows are also of interest and applied to predict performance of wind turbine blades. The models and methods are implemented in in-house codes or in a open source CFD code (OpenFOAM).
Selected Publications
Stoellinger M., Gopalan, H., Kazemi Foroushani E., .and Heinz, S. (2013), Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studies with Unified RANS-LES and Dynamic LES Methods, In 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Grapevine, TX, AIAA Paper 13-0747.
Gopalan, H., Heinz S. and Stoellinger, M. (2012), A Unified RANS-LES Model: Computational Development, Accuracy and Cost, Journal of Computational Physics, accepted for publication.
Stoellinger, M., Roekaerts, D., Naud, B., Beishuizen, N. and Heinz, S. (2012), PDF Modeling and Simulations of Pulverized Coal Combustion -Part 1: Theory and Modeling, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 160, 384-395.
Pulverized Coal Combustion -Part 2: Application, Combustion and Flame, 160, 396-410.
Stoellinger, M. K. & Heinz, S. 2010 Evaluation of Scalar Mixing and Time Scale Models in PDF Simulations of a Turbulent Premixed Flame. Combust. Flame 157, 1671-1685.
Swirling and Non-Swirling Turbulent Jets. In: 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 10-1289.
Zemtsop, C. P., Stoellinger, M. K., Heinz, S. & Stanescu, D. 2009 Large Eddy Simulation of Swirling Turbulent Jet Flows in Absence of Vortex Breakdown. AIAA Journal 47, 3011-3021.
Stoellinger, M. K. & Heinz, S. 2008 PDF Modeling and Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion. Monte Carlo Methods Applic. 14, 343-377.
Michael Stoellinger
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Room 2024, Engineering Building
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3226
Email: mstoell@uwyo.edu