Gullikson Establishes RenEW Scholarship

Honoring Joseph and Susan Steiner

Gullikson establishes ReNEW scholarship to honor Joseph and Susan Steiner

An opportunity to assist ReNEW nursing students in honor of Susan and Joseph Steiner

Joseph and Susan Steiner, College of Health Sciences Dean and School of Nursing Associate Dean respectively, retired this summer from careers that heavily impacted the University, state of Wyoming, students of the health sciences, and even healthcare in Wyoming. In honor of their retirements, Mary Gullikson (B.S., Home Economics ‘58) established the Joseph F. and Susan H. Steiner ReNEW Nursing Scholarship.

“I want Steiners to know what myself and many others feel they have accomplished,” says Mary about Joe and Sue’s full careers in educating tomorrow’s health professionals. Gullikson, who has always had an interest in nursing and in the College of Health Sciences, has served in a variety of capacities at the University of Wyoming, including the Health Sciences Vision Committee, the College of Health Sciences Development Committee, the UW Foundation Board, the UW Art Museum National Advisory Board, and the UW Alumni Association Board. “My hope is that this [opportunity] will inspire others to give to this scholarship in the Steiner name.”

How to give to the Joseph F. and Susan H. Steiner ReNEW Nursing Scholarship

To give, contact Angela VerPloeg, UW Foundation:

ReNEW: Revolutionizing Nursing Education in Wyoming

It is fitting that the ReNEW scholarship will be in Steiner name. Why? ReNEW is not only revolutionizing nursing education in Wyoming, but revolutionizing healthcare in Wyoming--something Steiners have been working toward throughout their careers. ReNEW is a statewide bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) curriculum built upon strong partnerships among Wyoming's community colleges and the University of Wyoming. In ReNEW, Wyoming students can earn the BSN degree (or higher) starting at any Wyoming community college and continuing on to UW. Students starting at a community college will be awarded the associate degree in nursing (ADN) at the end of the third year of the four-year curriculum. Following the ADN, these nurses can complete the BSN through UW with didactic courses online and practicum experiences in population-focused care and leadership in or near students' home communities.

What does getting a BSN have to do with revolutionizing healthcare?

In the 2003 landmark article by Linda Aiken, PHD, RN, research concludes that in hospitals with higher proportions of nurses educated at baccalaureate level or higher, surgical patients experienced lower mortality and failure-to-rescue rates. In 2010 the Institute of Medicine issued the recommendation to increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020, fueling the push for action in Wyoming.

MORE about ReNEW

The annual UW Nursing Alumni Newsletter will be mailed out on September 15, 2017 this year. The Newsletter deals with ReNEW as the main subject this year, fully covering the new curriculum and what this means not only for students, community colleges and the university, but what it means for hospitals, clinical agencies and facilities. Be watching your mailboxes for this 2017 issue. The magazine will also be posted on this web site at as the 2017 Newsletter. Check back mid-September 2017!


Story posted 7/21/2017

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