2018 Resume Blitz

Check out the information on the picture of the poster below.

(If you cannot see the jpg, the information you need to know is listed briefly directly below:)

  • Resume Blitz 2018 for: Nursing Students

  • When & Where: Starting Wednesday, October 24 at the annual UW Nursing & Health Professions Career Fair located in the UW Student Union from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (visit the UWAANC table) and continuing online through October 30.

  • If you wish to participate by sending your resume in for review onlilne, email to: uwnursingalumni@uwyo.edu 

picture of individual alumni reviewing resumes for the Resume Blitz 2018

Updated 10/3/2018

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UW Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing

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