The University of Wyoming seeks to create a translational research accelerator program which fulfills state and federal mandates critically necessary to build the economic prosperity of Wyoming.
ART will provide developmental training and capacity-building based on market-driven principles for translation of innovations for the public good.
Vice-President for Research and Economic Development, Parag Chitnis, PhD, is the Principal Investigator for the ART program with UW President, Ed Seidel, and UW (insert title), Arundeep Pradhan serving as co-principal investigators
UW has selected two partners to provide mentorship and training for the ART program. Colorado State University’s CSU STRATA staff will serve as mentors for the UW technology transfer office as it seeks to reorganize and re-engineer technology transfer at the University. Apio Innovation Transfer will provide training and hands-on commercialization and translational research support to students, faculty, and staff.