ARCC Masthead Image

ARCC Services: What we do


How to Reach Us:

Request our Services: on our Service Portal
Virtual Office Hours: weekly on Tuesdays and
Thursdays 1:00-3:00PM held over Zoom
Phone: (307)-766-3600

Mailing Address:
UW Advanced Research Computing Center
Office of Research & Economic Development
Department 3355
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071

About Us:

UW ARCC is the primary research computing facility for the University of Wyoming and our department is housed within the Division of Research and Economic Development.  Our expert staff are committed to providing the UW research community with access to specialized research computing infrastructure, knowledge, support, and a large range of scientific software pre-configured for your use. If you are new to ARCC, please see our getting started wiki pages.   

We manage and maintain and support all internally housed scientific computing resources including HPC and high performance data storage.  UW ARCC also aims to support all high performance computing resources available to any UW researcher.  This includes the support of External HPC Resources which includes but is not limited to Wyoming-NCAR Alliance Allocations through NWSC.  

A list of our internally offered services is detailed below.



ARCC Hosted HPC Resources

UW Advanced Research Computing hosts, maintains and supports several in-house high performance computing resources primarily available for use by the UW research community and collaborating entities:

  • Beartooth
    • The Beartooth Compute Environment (AKA Beartooth) is a high performance computing cluster that offers over 500 compute nodes and 1.2 PB of storage.  We work to maintain an expected uptime of 98%
    • Managed under the condo paradigm (Hardware Summary) Beartooth is available to UW researchers at no cost.
    •  Built-in tools and software help users get up and running in a short period of time.
    • Researchers may request custom tools and software on Beartooth to fine-tune their research procedures.  
    • Southpass (a browser accessible implementation of Beartooth - See more below under Miscellaneous Services).
  • Wildiris
    •  A specialty cluster compute environment.
    • Created to enable outreach for the IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) and Wyoming community college students.
    • WIOnDemand (a browser accessible implementation of WildIris - See more below under Miscellaneous Services)
  • Loren 
    • A Specialty GPU based HPC cluster for private use by the High Bay Research Group
  • Coming Soon: ARCC's next generation HPC cluster with expanded GPU capabilities (2024)


ARCC Hosted Data Storage Services

In a world of data abundance, research is an increasingly data-intensive activity.  With this in mind, UW ARCC provides research data storage as a core service.  High performance research data storage is provided primarily through the resources listed.

  • Alcova - High Performance Data Storage
    • Designed as a highly collaborative space geared toward project-oriented data storage for use by UWYO research groups and their collaborators. 
    • Allocations on Alcova allow researchers to reliably store and exchange data with anyone located anywhere in the world via Globus Online 
    • Extremely high transfer speeds.
    • Easily accessible over cifs and smb from Windows and Mac workstations.
    • 20 day snapshots for recent accidental data loss recovery.
    • Daily backups
  • Pathfinder - Cloud-like Low-Cost Data Storage
    • A low-cost storage solution enabling a cloud-like presence for research data hosted by UW ARCC.
    • Designed to be expandable and provides data protection.  Core functionality also hosts onsite backups and enables data sharing and collaboration.
    • Utilized for publication of research data in partnership with UW Libraries.
    • Time-based token-authenticated links for file sharing.
End User Support Services

UW ARCC works to support all research computing activities at the University of Wyoming, including research computing software services, support for research workstations, trainings, workshops, project migration, office hours, and individual consultations.

  • Software Services
    • Assistance installing and troubleshooting software on our HPC platforms.
    • A wide variety of documentation through our wiki to assist users with general use of specialized research software.
  • Training and Workshops
    • UW ARCC hosts several trainings and workshops for commonly requested topics.
    • We can also assist you if you'd like to host a training over our HPC resources.  
  • General User Support
    • Comprehensive Wiki with useful pages for getting started with HPC and answers common questions.
    • ARCC User Support staff are regularly available Tuesday and Thursday between 1:00-3:00PM MST virtually over zoom.  
    • Individual Consultations upon request
  • Linux Desktop Support
    • UW ARCC maintains a license for RedHat Enterprise, and users may request RedHat installations on UW owned equipment. 
    • UW ARCC provides support for RedHat and Ubuntu.  Users may request ARCC's assistance for these specific Linux distributions.
  • HPC Project Migration
    • UW ARCC can provide assistance migrating project data and code onto and off of our HPC resources.


Additional ARCC Services

Research is an innovative activity.  As innovations become available, research can require speciality resources outside of our current services.  If our office does not have a resource for you today, we may be able to provide it in the future.  The services listed below are now provided by UW ARCC as a result of specific research needs and researcher inquiries/requests:

  • External HPC Support
    • Including support for UW Researchers on NWSC
  • Investment Program
    • Researchers often find it advantageous to invest in compute nodes, storage, or specialty infrastructure on our HPC cluster.  
    • Inquiries may be made through our service portal.  
    • Node purchase estimates are available upon request and example node purchase estimates may be found here.
  • Gitlab
    • A collaborative code development service hosted on ARCC resources
    • Available at
    • Community Edition
    • Users may request access to GitLab here.
  • Globus
    • Cloud-Based SaaS (software as a service) used for reliable transfer, sharing, syncing, and publishing of large amounts of research data across HPC platforms.  
    • Designed to move very large data in an efficient manner managing file transfers, monitoring performance, reports status, and performs fault recovery whenever possible.
    • Available over the web or through a client interface from anywhere.
  • Southpass/OnDemand