Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727
All scholarships can be found on WyoScholarships. To be eligible for these scholarships, students should complete the general scholarship application, and meet the criteria for the award. Awards are made in the spring for the coming academic year.
James R. Burman (BS'75) Memorial Language Scholarship
Available to students studying German, Spanish or French (in that order). The number of awards and the value vary. The winners are selected by the Faculty of the Language Department.
Siren Memorial Scholarship
Available to undergraduate and graduate students in French or German, and History (preferably Wyoming residents). There are two awards annually, one in History and one to a student in French or German. The award will be made in German when the school year begins in an odd-numbered year, in French during the even-numbered year. The value varies; selection by the department.
Mueller-Hanson German Scholarship
Given in honor of Professor Werner Mueller, German Professor at UW from 1949 until his retirement in 1973. Professor Mueller remained active in the Language Department until his death in 1999. The endowed scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate German major; selection is by the German section in the department. The scholarship consists of an award -- with size dependent on the interest from the endowment -- toward tuition, spread over two semesters.
Goode Family Excellence Scholarship
Scholarships from the Goode Family Excellence Fund are available to students completing a minor in any foreign language and a major in the sciences or business. To be eligible, a student should have a GPA of 3.0 or better and must have completed at least 6 hours in a declared minor in a foreign language. The scholarship will provide the equivalent of in-state tuition for up to the next 6 hours of course work in the minor.
Lew Bagby Foreign Language and International Studies Scholarship
First preference for the award is a student who is (a) double-majoring in a foreign language and International Studies, (b) majoring in a foreign language with a minor in International Studies, or (c) majoring in International Studies with a minor in a foreign language. In the event that there is no student who meets the first preference, the second preference is a student majoring in a foreign language or International Studies. In the event that there is no student who meets the second preference, the third preference is a student enrolled at the University of Wyoming minoring in a foreign language or International Studies.
Kevin S Larsen Memorial Fund
Awards are for the benefit of the faculty and students of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, as well as support for symposia and events sponsored by the department. Awards may be for travel, research, awards, symposia, outreach, or other academic expenses.
Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727