Ensemble Directors


Dr. Michael Griffith

Symphony Orchestra
BCPA 3053
(307) 766-5242 | symph@uwyo.edu

Dr. Ben Markley

Wyoming Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos
PA 2017
(307) 223-1020 | bmarkley@uwyo.edu

Dr. Brian C. Murray

Collegiate Chorale, Singing Statesmen, Happy Jacks
PA 3052
(307) 766-5242 | bmurray7@uwyo.edu

O'Neil Jones

O'Neil Jones

Visiting Associate Professor, Associate Director of Choral Activities, Choral Music Education

BCPA 3052
307-766-5222| ojones2@uwyo.edu


Contact Us

Department of Music

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3037

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5242

Fax: (307) 766-5326

Email: musicdpt@uwyo.edu

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