Senior nursing student and Mortar Board honor society member Archana Thapa recently named nursing faculty member Sherrie Rubio-Wallace as her "Top Prof" for the academic year.
Thapa, an international student from Kathmandu, Nepal, is a member of the University of Wyoming Cap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board. Mortar Board members choose to honor professors who have made a positive impact on their lives at UW. These professors go beyond normal classroom expectations to help their students succeed, both in college as well as later in their careers.
Says Associate Dean Susan Steiner, “Sherrie is one of our most valued professors. She truly cares about the students and their success. She is quick to volunteer for activities and projects - as shown by her involvement as faculty adviser to both the Student Nurses Association (SNA) as well as the Marcia Dale Aspire Scholars Program.” The latter program focuses on developing leaders in nursing. Rubio-Wallace wrote the curriculum for Aspire, implementing her product this academic year.
In addition to her adviser roles, Rubio-Wallace teaches the following nursing courses: fall 2013: Public Health Nursing, Health Assessment lab and Family and Public Health Practicum. Spring 2014: Professional Roles: Leader and the online Health Promotion.
"Being selected as a 'Top Prof' is a great honor for professors because they are chosen by the students," says College of Engineering and Applied Science Professor David Whitman, one of Mortar Board's advisers.
Want to know more about Mortar Board? Selection as a member of Mortar Board is one of the highest honors that a UW senior can achieve. Mortar Board recognizes students who have excelled in and out of the classroom, based on scholarship, leadership and service. Mortar Board members participate in many projects and activities throughout the year, both on campus and in the Laramie community.