The School of Nursing will be launching a new nursing chapter of the University of Wyoming Alumni Association in the spring of 2015. A “transition board” has been meeting this fall to solidify plans for the launch. The board includes administration, staff, two nursing alumni (Emily Bandel Hill, BSN ’13; Johnna French, BSN ‘11) and one current nursing student, senior Peter Skorcz. The committee is energized and excited for the project, with plans to create a mentoring climate between nursing alumni and students. Be watching for more news about the UWAA Nursing Chapter in the new year!
Emily Bandel Hill was an officer in the Student Nurses Association while in school and now works with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Johnna French has been an ardent volunteer for the school’s Mentoring Panels in the past few years and works as a public health nurse in Laramie. Peter Skorcz is an officer of the Student Nurses Association as well as a UW Honor Student, and is currently pictured on the school’s 2014 advertisement focusing on geriatric nursing (a subject on which he is presenting his final honors project in the spring).