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1000 E. University Ave.
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Homecoming 2016 was a wonderful time this year. In addition to the Pokes' football win, we had a handful of delightful 50-year reunion nursing alumni visiting the school (during and after our official Open House tours), including Dorothy Salsbury, who was our 1995 Distinguished Alumna and Nurse Humorist; we greatly enjoyed our time with 2016 Distinguished Alumna Leissa Roberts and her daughter; and all in attendance benefited greatly from the Interprofessional Health Sciences Distinguished Alumni panel Discussion the Friday before the big game. Scroll down below for a summary of activities.

Nursing Dean Mary Burman, 2016 Distinguished Alumna Leissa Roberts, HS Dean Joe Steiner

Leissa Roberts ('81) receives 2016 Distinguished Alumna Award from Nursing

Nursing Dean Mary Burman (l) and HS Dean Joe Steiner present the 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award to Leissa Roberts, DNP, FACNM on Oct. 7, 2016. Roberts is currently Associate Dean of Faculty Practice for the University of Utah College of Nursing. Check out her illustrious career by clicking in the title.

CHS Distinguished Alumni Interprofessional Panel

Health Sciences Alumni sit on Interprofessional Panel Discussion during 2016 Homecoming

The afternoon of October 7th Distinguished Alumni from Courtney Fletcher (School of Pharmacy), the Division of Communication Disorders (Mary Schaub), School of Nursing (Leissa Roberts) and Social Work (Capt. Todd Lennon) took part in an Interprofessional Panel discussion regarding positive interprofessional practice experiences and overcoming barriers. Check out the Interprofessional Education page for updates at

Dorothy Salsbury ('66)

Dorothy Salsbury from the class of 1966

Coming for her 50 year reunion, Dorothy Salsbury and her husband enjoyed all the Homecoming festivities along with a few other members of her 1966 nursing class. Salsbury was named Distinguished Alumni in 1995 for her work as a Nurse Humorist. Be checking our Distinguished Alumni listing pages for an active link by her name. We'll be posting an updated history on Salsbury now that we know where to find her! Click on the title for that link.

UW Alumni Association Nursing Chapter officer, Johnna French, mans a table at the nursing Open House

UW Alumni Association Nursing Chapter has presence at Nursing Open House

Johnna French, Vice President of the Nursing Chapter of the UW Alumni Association, manned a table at the school of nursing's Open House on Oct. 7th. The new nursing chapter has a focus on mentoring new nurses into the profession. In the past year, the chapter held a "Resume Blitz"-- where alumni reviewed students' resumes in preparation for job hunting; and a "Speed Mentoring" event--where alumni representing various nursing careers met one-on-one with interested students. New officers will take over in January 2017 to set a course to further develop the organization. Click on the title to go to the UWAANC Web site and join the Chapter if you haven't already!

IV arms are set out in the UW Nursing's Skill's Lab for students to practice the newly-learned skill

UW Nursing Open House: touring the Clinical Simulation Center

Each year the school of nursing holds an Open House for alumni. Tours are given of the Clinical Simulation Center. This year the skills lab was set up with an IV simulation. Students practice on manikin arms to hone their new skill. Be sure to check in next Homecoming! The school's Dean, faculty, and staff will be there to welcome you back.

Contact Us

University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121

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