Miller Named "Top Prof" in 2016
Professor Holly Miller, Basic BSN Program Director and Clinical Simulation Coordinator for the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing was recently named "Top Prof" by senior Mortar Board student Kristin Kapeles--with full support from her nursing classmates.
Presentation to Miller at 37th Top Prof Night
Kapeles read the following in her presentation to Miller at the Top Prof reception in November at the 37th annual Top Prof Night:
During my first year of nursing school, Professor Miller was my clinical coordinator and taught all of the fundamental nursing skills that will be the foundation of my nursing career to come. She also coordinated all of our clinical sites as well as simulation exercises so that we would be provided the crucial experiences needed to become efficient nurses. I can remember the countless hours and effort that she put into making sure we understood everything, making sure we felt prepared, and making sure all of our questions were answered.
A specific memory that comes to mind: One Monday night I was in the skills lab until late hours, and I can remember chasing Professor Miller down the staircase to ask her one last question before check-offs. As we shouted over the staircase (she was definitely ready to go home), she took the time to come back up after her long day and help answer my questions--as well as everyone else's--to make sure we were prepared for the day to come. She is truly dedicated to ensuring that her students succeed.
I wanted to make this selection [of Professor Miller as Top Prof] from our entire senior nursing class, because we all wanted to honor her for her hard work. With that said, I would like to read a few words that I gathered from our classmates:
"I am so thankful for Prof. Miller! She went above and beyond in order to help walk us through confusing Nursing Process Papers; to teach detailed skills; and to ensure the highest quality of results from us students. She also demonstrated a lot of grace for us whenever we messed up (often). So thank you Prof. Miller. Your diligence to serve us as your students means more than you know."
Yet another student voiced similar sentiments as the previous, but added, "Her love of the nursing profession is contagious."
So thank you, Professor Miller, for all the hard work you do for the school of nursing!
Congratulations, Professor Miller! And much thanks to Kristin Kapeles and students like her who go out of their way to thank their educators.
Story posted: 12/9/2016