NOTE: On September 15 each fall, the University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing mails out the school's annual Alumni Newsletter magazine/publication. The theme of the 2016 issue: Leadership in Nursing. The following spotlight is taken from that publication, where the goal is to recognize nurse leaders in diverse roles. Return to the web weekly for spotlights on other nurse leaders in their respective roles.
Kimberly Schindler, MS, NP-C
Nurse Leader in Rural Primary Care:
Heightened responsibility in rural nursing
"Nursing leadership usually brings to mind a nurse who is an example to other nurses, says Kimberly Schindler. "However, nursing leadership in rural Wyoming may look quite different, because I'm not usually leading other nurses as I may be the only nurse present. As an NP in a rural clinic, I may be the primary or even solitary access point to health care for a number of families in the community. Therefore, a focus on education with my patients is critical in order to equip them to manage their health issues and maintain wellness.
Seeing is believing
Nurses in rural communities must remember that their behavior in and out of work may be scrutinized more closely by their patients than nurses in urban areas because of our overlapping lives. Our patients in rural communities have the unique opportunity to see how we lead by example in how we treat others with respect in our personal lives and, often, how we take care of our own health. The patient I care for today may be my cashier at the store tomorrow or my child’s teacher, etc. Our emphasis in nursing to consider the whole person extends beyond our professional lives in rural communities."
Story posted 9/02/2016