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Nurse Leader in Health Policy

Leadership in Nursing Series

Leadership in Nursing Series: Faith Jones, Nurse Leader in Health Policy

NOTE: On September 15 each fall, the University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing mails out the school's annual Alumni Newsletter magazine/publication. The theme of the 2016 issue: Leadership in Nursing. The following spotlight is taken from that publication, where the goal is to recognize nurse leaders in diverse roles. Return to the web weekly for spotlights on other nurse leaders in their respective roles.


Faith M. Jones, MSN, RN, NEA-BC.

Nurse Leader in Health Policy:

"With over 3.4 million RNs in this country," says Faith Jones, "our voice in the political process is imperative. Health Policy Leadership begins with becoming informed and raising our voice. Collectively our voice allows us to advocate with colleagues across the nation and make a difference on behalf of our profession, the patients in our communities, and ultimately the health of our nation. Advocacy is nursing at its core, and taking a leadership role in advocating for policies that protects and improves the health of our patients is our ethical duty."

Jones describes her leadership journey:

"I began my health policy leadership journey right in my own backyard as all politics is local as they say. Being a member of the Wyoming Nurses Association and the American Nurses Association provided me with mentors and opportunities to learn, grow, and volunteer for a variety of leadership positions, including being a member of the ANA Board and the Chair of the ANA-PAC. The ANA-PAC is a non-partisan membership political action committee that supports candidates in congress that support nursing issues. I am a honored to be a leader in ANA and in the ANA-PAC."


Story posted 8/12/2016

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UW Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing

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