Kim Carter from Temuka, New Zealand.
Will be speaking as follows:
On the topic: "A New Zealand Collaborative Model of Primary Care-from physician based to team based care."
Monday, August 29, 2016
4-5 p.m.
Health Sciences Center Room 105
University of Wyoming Campus
Laramie, Wyoming
No charge; open invitation
About Kim Carter
As a Registered Nurse, Kim Carter is co-owner of a general practice (family practice) in rural New Zealand. Carter is involved in primary care policy planning and initiatives at the national level in New Zealand. She is an empowered nurse and strongly believes nurses are key to health care transformation in any setting or country.
"In brief," says Carter, "I have been nursing for over 25 years across a broad range of settings--intensive care, inpatient and primary health care (PHC). I worked for 9 years in the USA (not in Wyoming!) and Australia before returning home to take up several senior clinical leadership positions in district health boards."
Carter continues, "10 years ago I began working clinically in PHC (rural general practice) and 5 years ago bought a general practice in partnership with a general practitioner colleague. We have spent the last 5 years radically changing our model of care away from the traditional doctor-centered practice model."
For the past few years as part of the executive committee of the College of Primary Health Care Nurses, Carter has been involved at a regional and national level in strategic sector and government groups planning health services and negotiating national general practice contracts and funding on behalf of all New Zealand providers. She also has been working to advance the professional aspirations and contributions of PHC nurses in the national “integration of services” agenda.
Carter teaches both undergrad and post graduate nursing and medical students in the clinical setting and also teaches on short course clinical leadership and business orientated programs for PHC nurses. Carter writes regularly for two national print media--one nursing specific and one general practice orientated. Carter says her writing for those media are "mainly opinion and trouble-making pieces aimed at stirring discussion and debate!"
Story posted 8/17/2016