Contact Information
Phone: 307-766-3468
Office: McWhinnie Hall 113
Dr. Buss teaches science and mathematics methods courses for pre-service elementary
teachers, as well as graduate courses in learning theory, history of mathematics and
science education, and integrating technology in the classroom. He also supervises
students during residency and practicum experiences.
The focus of Dr. Buss’ research is on meaningful integration of educational technologies to enhance students’ understanding of science and mathematics. These technologies include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), dynamic geometry software, Vernier Probeware (data collection equipment), LEGO robotics, computer gaming, and most recently, 3D visualization in immersive virtual reality environments using the Microsoft Hololens. Dr. Buss developed curricular materials and a 3D simulation for use in facilities such as the Shell 3D Visualization Center to better help middle school students and pre-service elementary school teachers better understand the concept of density. Current augmented reality work (NSF #2021198) focuses on creating immersive, socially mediated experiences for exploring atomic-scale phenomena.
Dr. Buss has broad service and administrative experience at the University of Wyoming, including department head (8 yrs), chair of the College of Education Tenure and Promotion committee (3 yrs), Faculty Senate, chair of the UW Academic Information Technology Committee, and chair of the university Mobile Computing Task Force. At the regional level he served for nine years as the director of the Education Public Access Resource Center, a sub-group of the Upper-Midwest Aerospace Consortium, tasked with helping K-12 teachers in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and North and South Dakota use GIS, GPS and satellite data and tools in the classroom. Dr. Buss is currently the Director of the School of Teacher Education.