Faculty Mathematics Education Doctoral Program

Ali Bicer, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education
McWhinnie Hall 318
307-766-5044 | abicer@uwyo.edu

Michelle Chamberlin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics
RH 221
307-766-4221 | mchambe5@uwyo.edu

Scott Chamberlin, Ph.D.

Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Education 327
307-766-3070 | scott@uwyo.edu

Linda Hutchison, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Secondary Education, Interim Coordinator Mathematics Education Program
McWhinnie Hall 314
307-766-5077 | lhutch@uwyo.edu

Richard Kitchen, Ph.D.

Mathematics Education Doctoral Program Coordinator
Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Mathematics Education
Education 322
307-766-6377 | rkitchen@uwyo.edu

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