Faculty Advisor Resources
This page provides information for Curriculum & Instruction faculty as a reference
for graduate student advising. Students who are seeking advising information should
view the Current Student Resources page and contact their faculty advisor.
Role of Initial Advisor
- Initial advisors need to be graduate students' point of contact for their C&I program.
Please stay in touch with your advisee, preferably every semester to answer any questions.
We hope this will help students stay on track and not fall through the cracks. Remember
as an initial advisor you are to help the student be successful in the first few semesters
at UW.
- You are not the chair and the student may choose another faculty member to chair their
graduate committee.
- Mentor and discuss committee formation within the 1st year of students admittance
to the program.
You've been assigned a C&I graduate student advisee...now what?
Step 1:
- You will be copied on the student's acceptance letter as their initial advisor or
you will be contacted by the C&I department.
Step 2:
- Contact the student to arrange an advising appointment within two weeks of the acceptance
letter notification, if you haven't heard from the student.
- Correspond with the student through their assigned UW email account.
- When requesting an initial appointment:
- Invite the student to have ready an idea of what they want to accomplish from the
graduate program and what area of emphasis they want to pursue.
- What classes they want to take.
- How many classes they plan to take per semester.
- Make sure the student has a copy of the specific C&I program sheet that applies to
their program. You can find this on the Current Student Resources page under Program Worksheets.
Step 3:
- Prepare for the appointment.
- Review the students file which will be located in the C&I Office Associate's office.
- Review the program worksheet for that program.
- Become familiar with classes being offered that semester for the student's program
Step 4:
- Meet with student.
- Talk about what classes are being offered that semester.
- Find out what available classes are of interest to the student.
- Formulate a long term plan or timeline for completion of the program.
- Advise the student to register as soon as they are eligible.
- Before ending the appointment make sure the student is comfortable with the program
or has any more questions.
Step 5:
- Keep a copy of the program sheet in the students file housed in the C&I Office Associate's
- Keep in contact with your advisee at least every semester with regular advising appointments.
- With these regular semester advising appointments review:
- The students GPA.
- The students transcripts to make sure the student is staying on course and is successfully
completing the coursework.
- Check to see if all appropriate forms are being filed (i.e. Program of Study, Committee
Assignment, etc.) By the end of the student's second semester or after the student
has completed at least 12 credit hours, you and your student should create a program
of study.
Look up Student Information:
To get information on your students’ courses, degree evaluations, etc. use WyoWeb.
To retrieve student information:
- Go to the Faculty and Staff tab.
- Click on "Faculty and Advisor" tab.
If you know you have an advisee, but don’t see them on your list, email the C&I Office
Associate and they will get you listed as their advisor in the system. Furthermore,
if you have individuals listed who are no longer your current advisees, please also
email this to the Office Associate so they can be removed from your list in the system.
Forms for Current Students:
Forms (and some direction on filling them out) can be found on the C&I website under
the Current Student Resources page. Please let your students know about it. If you think of anything that should
be on the site for students, let the Office Associate know.
There are several major forms that students are required to fill out in the process
of their graduate studies.
Program of Study - Be sure students do the following, then submit to C&I Office Associate for proper
signature routing.
- Use the appropriate program information in Dept/Program, Major, and Option (see below).
- Include all core courses
- List any courses taken at UW prior to admission to the graduate program program in
Section 2. Any taken at other Universities must be listed in Section 4.
- Section 2 includes post-bacc courses taken for MAs and UW Master’s courses taken for
doc students
- Post-bacc students have taken 12 hours which count toward their master’s curriculum.
Don’t use the regular MA sheet to determine their course work. They have a specific
sheet, which is on the website. Basically, their post bacc courses count toward the
assessment class and all but one emphasis elective.
- Only 9 hours of transfer courses can be taken at another University. Those go in
section 4. The exception to this is for Doctoral students, who can transfer in up
to 30 from a Master's degree.
- Don’t list any courses they took at UW while they were in undergraduate status (you
can tell by looking at their transcripts on WyoWeb what level they were when they
earned a course)
- Don’t list more than 12 credits in section 2 (if they wish to do so, they must fill
out a petition)
- Courses that students took while they were enrolled in a certificate program (TAIC,
ESL, or Literacy) do NOT count toward the 12-hour rule. As long as students are enrolled
in those programs, they can take as many as they want in that status prior to applying
for a degree program. These courses would be listed in section 3.
- Don't list more than 6 hours of EDCI 5890 Directed Professional Study, the MAX is
- Total hours add up to minimum that meets program requirement
- MA is 32
- PhD in Curriculum Studies is 81, & EdD is 80 (includes a maximum 30 hours of Master’s
if applicable, programs may vary)
- Sign the form
- The C&I Office Associate can help obtain other signatures
Committee Assignment - Be sure student submits completed form to C&I Office Associate to be routed properly
- Academic Affairs will now approve all new graduate committee formed after July 1,
2015 and any changes to existing graduate committees
- Your committee chair must be a C&I Faculty member
- Committee Change Form - fill out and submit when you have committee changes AFTER
an initial committee has been set-up and approved
Report of Final Exam – to be completed after the thesis/dissertation defense or Plan B presentation.
- Must be signed by all committee members, the C&I Head, and the Associate Dean.
- For a student to graduate in a given semester, this form must be received, completely
and correctly filled out, by the final day of classes of that semester.
Anticipated Graduation Date form
- Must be completed by student and submitted to the Registrar no later than the final
day of classes in the semester the student wishes to graduate. However, it is strongly
recommended that the student submit it at the beginning of the semester, so any paperwork
issues can be addressed and graduation will not be delayed. Submitting on the final
day of class does NOT guarantee graduation.
- If a student delays their graduation, a new anticipated graduation date form must
be submitted for the new expected semester of graduation.
Other required petitions and forms that may arise are posted on the current student resources tab or the Registrar's site for graduate student forms.
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum Studies, Literacy Education, Mathematics Education, or Science Education
Course Registration
PERC Numbers:
- All MA and EdD students are Outreach and shouldn't need perc numbers. If a student
says they need one, let the Office Associate know so they can have the student’s status
- PERC numbers can be attained by contacting the Office Associate.
Continuing Registration:
- Students who are taking a semester off should enroll for an hour of continuing registration
(not too expensive) to maintain their library and email access.
- If students go 2+ semesters without enrolling at all, they will need to re-apply to
the University through the admissions online process to be able to resume taking classes.
Restricted Enrollment:
- If students are signing up for restricted enrollment courses, they need to have the
instructor or their advisor (for independent studies) email the Office Associate with
their approval and the course and section and student’s W# to get an override.
- Students doing independent studies (like EDCI 5890 Directed Professional Study) should
fill out the Independent Study Course Form (found on the Current student resources
page) with their instructor and turn it in to the Office Associate for an override.
Re-Admission Procedures for Inactive Students
Students who do not enroll for courses in two consecutive semesters (not including
summer) must re-apply to the University and C&I programs through the following steps
to be considered for re-admission:
- The student MUST notify the C&I Office Associate when the application is complete
so we will know to review it immediately.
- Apply online to the University through: https://www.uwyo.edu/admissions/apply-online.html. Students re-applying only need to submit personal information, agree to the terms,
and submit the application. Payment of the application fee, new letters of reference,
submission of transcripts, etc. are not required. Students should select the semester
in which they'd like to begin taking classes again.
- Email a letter describing why the student will be able to successfully complete the
program at this time to curriculum@uwyo.edu. The letter can also be uploaded to the letter or personal statement section of the
Students' letters will be reviewed and they will be notified by email of their admittance
and any conditions determined to return to the program.