Jason Katzmann

Associate Lecturer of Educational Studies


Contact Information
Email: jkatzma1@uwyo.edu
Phone:(307) 268-2583
Office: 314 UU, UW-Casper

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Biological Education from the University of Northern Colorado, 2007
M.A., Integrated Natural Science from Colorado College, 2000
B.S., Human Biology from Texas Women's University, 1994

Dr. Katzmann was born and raised until age 11 in California, primarily the Los Angeles area. In the middle of sixth grade, his family moved to Gillette, Wyoming where he attended junior high and high school. It was in high school that he attended the Teton Science School for one week during the spring semester of his junior year. The experience had a huge impact on his life. Eventually, that experience led him to a career as a science teacher. He graduated from Campbell County High School in 1988 and went off to college in California and Texas. After receiving his B.S. degree in human biology and chemistry from Texas Women's University in 1994 he was certified to teach at the University of North Texas in 1995. Immediately after being certified to teach secondary science, he moved to Colorado where he taught middle school and high school science, eventually becoming a teacher on special assignment working with secondary science teachers. He earned a Master's degree in integrated natural science from Colorado College in 2000 and a Ph.D. in biological education from the University of Northern Colorado in 2007. While at UNC he taught elementary science methods courses, biology for elementary education majors, and human anatomy lab.

Since 2007 Dr. Katzmann has been faculty at UW-Casper.  His primary teaching responsibilities include science methods courses (secondary and elementary) and courses in educational studies.  In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Jason has been awarded over $700,000 in grants, chaired fifteen graduate student committees, serves as the assessment coordinator for Wyoming INBRE, is the Wyoming state coordinator for Project WET, and advises two student organizations.  Dr. Katzmann keeps Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) a central focus in the service in which he participates.  Veni Vidi Duci, two Lego robotics teams he has coached for ten years, have won multiple state championships and have been to the North American Championships three times and the World Festival once. Additional STEM activities he works on include Science Olympiad, science fairs, and fourth-grade math/science days.

Jason is happily married to Kris. They have four fabulous children. He loves his family, the outdoors, rock climbing, fishing, hiking, biking, photography, playing volleyball, snowboarding, swimming, and simply observing nature.

Research Interests:

  • Place-based education, letting nature teach
  • Effective professional development for practicing teachers
  • Integrating STEM in the K-12 classroom


  • Secondary Science Methods I and II
  • Elementary Math/Science Methods
  • Secondary Science Student Teaching Residency
  • Informal Science Education
  • Education Assessment
  • Teacher as Practitioner
  • Advanced Instructional Strategies
  • Curriculum Development
  • Environmental Science for Teachers
  • Midpoint Portfolio Reflection
  • Life Science in a Global Context
  • Field Science
  • Mammalogy

Affiliations, Associations, Consultation:

  • Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
  • National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)
  • National Science Teacher Association Student Chapter Advisor (NSTA-UW & CC)
  • Project WET
  • Project Wild
  • Project Learning Tree
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