Poll Everywhere lets your audience interact with a live presentation using their mobile phones. Ask them questions, or have them ask you.
Poll Everywhere is now available to faculty members to use in their courses to better engage students. A variety of polls are available including: multiple-choice, open-ended, Q&A, ranking, and clickable image polls.
Poll Everywhere is now integrated with WyoCourses so you can grade your class on participation. To use Poll Everywhere in your WyoCourses course, please follow the instructions in the Poll Everywhere Guide.
Check out this general user guide : https://www.polleverywhere.com/instructor-guide
Check out these video guides https://www.polleverywhere.com/videos
If you need a license follow the instructions below:
Go to https://uwyo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/Home/ then near the top of the page click on "Services".
Now click on "Accounts and Passwords" and then click on "Administrative Accounts".
On This page click on "UW Poll Everywhere Account" and then click on "Request Account" and fill out the form to request a license.
For support, please visit the PollEverywhere Support Center.
To contact support, please visit the PollEverywhere Contact Page.