ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204
The budget and planning committee oversees, manages, and ensures fiscal responsibility of ASUW's $1.15 million budget comprised of student fee dollars and endowment funds.
Meeting Time: Thursday at 8:00 AM in the ASUW Conference Room
Chair: JW Rzeszut
ASUW Senators: Brooke Culp, Reece Robertson, Lucille Holt, Gracilynn Ward, Reese Davies, Clayton Keasling
First-Year Senators: N/A
Executives/Professional-Staff: Director of Finance Rockwell
Students-at-Large: If interested, please contact the B&P Chair
Each year, ASUW sets aside money from students fees to be used on one-time special requests. This money has in the past funded things such as technology upgrades, artwork for Union meeting rooms, free menstrual products, and expansion of the UW Bike Library. Requests can be from anyone in the UW community for projects that enhance the campus experience. Requests are due early in the Fall semester. For any further questions or information on ASUW's Special Projects Fund, please reach out to the ASUW Chair of Budget and Planning, JW Rzeszut (
Applications for 2024-2025 Special Projects are now closed! We LOOK FORWARD TO implementing funded projects, and we look forward to seeing the impact these projects will have on campus!
ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204