Intersession Oversight Committee

Associated Students of the University of Wyoming


The Committee shall be responsible for properly representing the Senate during all out-of-session matters of consequence, including but not limited to budgetary oversight and Executive Branch consultation.


The Committee shall have the powers of approval of all summer budget actions including but not limited to: emergency budget cuts, realignments, and end-of-year spending. The committee will also have the power to consult with the Executive Branch on any statements or representative positions which the Executive Branch wishes to adopt out of session. The Committee will not have the power of proposal for any matter, and only has the power of approval ASUW By-Laws Page | 13 and response to Executive Branch Action. The Committee must convene at least once per month, every month of which a portion is out-of-session, including the months that contain Summer Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. The Committee can also meet as needed, when called by the Committee Chair, or when three (3) committee members request. The Committee shall be vested with all necessary and appropriate powers to carry out its purpose under these rules.


The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Senate: President Pro Tempore, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms, Marshal, in addition to two (2) Senators-at-large, and two (2) Students at large. The Students-at Large of the Intersession Oversight Committee must be nominated by the Vice President and approved by the Senate prior to the last meeting of the Spring Semester. The Chair elected from amongst the Committee members prior to the end of the Spring Semester each year. Quorum for this committee shall be set at five (5) voting members.

2024-2025 Committee Info

Meeting Time: Discretionary

Chair: Cole Schliebe

ASUW Senators: Artemis Langford, Gabe Saint, JW Rzsezut, Reese Robertson

SALs: Rylan Knopp

Contact Us

ASUW Office

1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5204


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