
Associated Students of the University of Wyoming


The Committee shall provide coordination for the various issues, legislative activities, program involvements of the ASUW Executive and Legislative branches, and serve to pursue ASUW recommendations and actions that are referred to, or require action by the University Trustees, the faculty, or administrative units of the University. The Committee shall also organize an informational meeting for Senators serving their first term in office before the first meeting of the new senate.


The Committee shall refer proposed ASUW legislation to ASUW standing or special committees for specified action or recommendation prior to final consideration by the Senate. The Committee shall have the power to change any formatting, grammar, and spelling errors of proposed legislation. These changes will be made with Committee consensus, as long as these edits do not change the intent or function of the proposed legislation as written by the author(s). Further, the Committee may recommend the procedure for implementing consideration of ASUW decisions, actions, or legislation after final action by the Senate, and the committee shall provide regular reports to the Senate on the status or final outcome of all matters that require action by officials outside of the ASUW. The Committee will be responsible for the review of all proposed amendments to the ASUW Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Procedures to insure that those working documents remain consistent with the purpose of the ASUW and its Constitution. The Committee shall have the power to investigate, and administer warnings and take disciplinary actions against violations of the ASUW By-laws, Rules and Procedures and Senator Handbook. The Committee shall also make a monthly report of those Senators who have failed or are currently failing to meet their Senatorial duties as outlined in the By-Laws. The Committee shall be vested with all necessary and appropriate powers to carry out its purpose under these rules.


The Committee shall consist of the ASUW Vice President, who shall serve as chairperson, the ASUW President Pro Tempore, the ASUW Parliamentarian, the ASUW Sergeant at Arms, the ASUW Marshal, two (2) ASUW Senators; the ASUW Advisor, and The ASUW Vice President shall appoint one (1) Executive Assistant to serve as an ex-officio on the committee.

2023-2024 Committee Info

Meeting Time: Fridays at 3:30 pm in the ASUW Conference Room, Union 020

Chair: Vice President Paden Knull

ASUW Senators: Cole Shliebe, Brook Culp, Gabe Saint, JW Rzeszut, Jon Brown, Nick Bogani 

First-Year Senator: TBA

Executives/Professional Staff: Chief of Legislative Affairs Bouma

Contact Us

ASUW Office

1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5204


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