ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204
The Committee shall assist in organization and execution of events, workshops, and all outreach including but not limited to all events involving elections and Homecoming. It shall also have the ability to come up with new programming and shall be responsible for the review of the effectiveness of such programming, determining whether a particular event will continue to be sustainable, and formulating proposals for future programming. The committee will also serve to promote ASUW Elections and conduct outreach to promote participation. OPE shall help plan and execute Homecoming events. It must discuss Homecoming within the first full week of the Fall Semester and shall continue to plan and discuss it at least once per week up until Homecoming Week. OPE shall then meet at least once after Homecoming Week to discuss the Homecoming events. The committee shall, in conjunction with the ASUW Vice President, oversee the process by which senatorial vacancies are filled, as outlined by Article 4, Section 4.02 of the ASUW By-Laws. The Committee shall also work with the Executive Branch to promote the current services, actions, and happenings of the ASUW, to consistently outreach to individual students and student organizations annually.
The Committee shall have the power to recommend to the ASUW Senate and Executive Branch the best methods of student outreach and promotion of the ASUW endeavors. The Committee shall meet in the spring semester to discuss budgetary needs of the Homecoming Week. It shall help promote and conduct outreach for Homecoming events, including but not limited to: ASUW Horseshoe Hunt and the ASUW Pizza and T-Shirt Giveaway. It shall help promote other Homecoming events not associated with ASUW as it deems necessary. The Committee shall work on Homecoming events in conjunction with other departments and organizations on campus, including but not limited to: Athletics, Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Alumni Association, and Student Affairs as deemed appropriate by the committee and the ASUW Vice President. The committee shall assist in organization and execution of events, workshops, etc. and shall hold no fewer than two (2) information sessions relating to ASUW elections for all candidates and possible candidates seeking office within ASUW. These information sessions must be held between the date applications are available and the time they are due. The Committee shall also have the power to recommend to the ASUW Senate and Executive Branch the best methods of student outreach and promotion of the ASUW endeavors. The Committee shall also be tasked with filling vacancies on the ASUW Senate. The Committee shall be vested with all necessary and appropriate powers to carry out its purpose under these rules.
The Committee shall consist of a minimum six (6) ASUW Senators, one (1) of whom shall serve as a chairperson and at least one (1) First-Year Senator. The chair shall not be permitted to run for the position of ASUW President or Vice President in the election that occurs during their time as chair. The ASUW Vice President shall appoint a minimum of one (1) executive to serve as ex-officio on the committee. The ASUW Advisor, or designee, shall serve as advisor
Meeting Time: Fridays at 3:00 pm in the Thunder Basin Room, Union 315
Chair: Jon Brown
ASUW Senators: lucie Holt, Clayton Keasling, Reese Robertson, Kailee Verdeyen
First-Year Senators:
Executives: Director of Marketing Hargett, Director of Community & Government Affairs Gomelsky
ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204