Safety, Wellness, and Advocacy



The Committee shall serve as a medium for individual students and student organizations to voice opinions and concerns regarding university policy, administration, or other issues associated with student life. The Committee shall have the responsibility to investigate said issues and will represent student opinion through the policy process.The Committee shall strive to advocate for all students on campus. 


The Committee shall serve as a forum and liaison to the Senate for any individual student or group of students who have a concern about their welfare at the University. The Committee shall have the capability to recommend to the ASUW Senate and Executive Branch the best methods to foster safety, wellness, and advocacy as a body. As part of this responsibility, the committee may investigate student issues, meet with university administration, and draft legislation for the ASUW Senate.


The Committee shall consist of a minimum of six (6) ASUW Senators, one (1) of whom shall serve as chairperson, and a minimum of three (3) ASUW Students-at-Large, with a minimum of one (1) being a First-Year Senator. The ASUW Vice President shall appoint two (2) Executive Assistants to serve as an ex-officio on the committee. The Committee will seek appointed members from United Multicultural Council and International Student Association with the approval by the ASUW Vice President.

2023-2024 Committee Info

Meeting Time: Fridays at 8:00 AM in the ASUW Conference Room

Chair: Edwin Morales

ASUW Senators: Hannah Jackim, Calla Shosh, Briana harper, Jonathan Christensen, Reese Davis

First-Year Senators: N/A

Executives: Director of Advocacy and Campus Unity Medina, Director of Wellness Malles, Director of Marketing Hargett

Professional Staff: N/A

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