Benefits to Teaching FYE

STEP 1102: Step into College

Why Teach an FYE Course?

First-Year Experience courses are taught by dedicated University of Wyoming faculty, staff and administrators who are invested in first-year student success. This opportunity is both personally and professionally rewarding. Not only do FYE teachers contribute to higher retention rates, but they gain a deeper understanding of the first-year student’s needs.

By assisting freshmen in the process of developing effective academic strategies, FYE instructors can make the difference between a student's successful first year or one of frustration and failure, regardless of the student's aptitude, preparation, or prior experiences. STEP 1102 faculty can have a significant positive impact on student success through fostering increased self-awareness, the enhancement of academic skills, and early engagement with the UW community. Research indicates that academic habits and attitudes established in the first year of college remain respectively stable through subsequent semesters, so the first semester becomes a critical period when approaches to learning are best shaped to serve the student.

Click here for research related to the First-Year Experience.

Teacher standing in front of students in classroom
Contact Us

LeaRN | First Year Experience

Dept. 3334 | First Floor Coe Library

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-2325


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