Human Resources
The Classification/Compensation department is responsible for developing compensation
practices that enable the University of Wyoming to be competitive in its labor market
and an attractive employer to top talent in its industry and within the communities
in which it recruits. The department benchmarks these and other jobs annually for
compensation planning and other internal purposes.
Meet our Classification/Compensation Staff
Ann Lyda, Manager
Office: Hill Hall, Room 315
Phone: (307) 766-5056
Fax: (307) 766-5607
Marilyn Johnson, Compensation Analyst
Office: Hill Hall, Room 314
Phone: (307) 766-5057
Fax: (307) 766-5607
Request a New Position or Position Change
If you want to create a new position or make modifications to a current position,
there are two quick reference guides to assist our Decentralized HR Representatives:
Other Resources
These documents provide information about base pay, the salary matrix, and other resources.