Division of Kinesiology and Health

College of Health Sciences

Derek SmithDerek Smith, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Exercise Physiology


(307) 766-5271

Corbett Building, room 108








Dr. Smith has been the Director of the Division of Kinesiology & Health since 2013. Dr. Smith's research interests include: Development, translation (implementation/dissemination), and efficacy testing of physical activity and   healthy living interventions – interdisciplinary approach. He uses novel and innovative technologies, devices and strategies to facilitate health behavior change (adoption and maintenance).  The focus is directed at primary and   secondary prevention of chronic disease(s) via lifestyle modification and behavior change that includes increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary time/behaviors.


Ph.D. University of Colorado (2003)

M.S. Wake Forest University (1999)

B.S. Colorado State University (1997)


  • KIN 3021 Physiology of Exercise

  • KIN 4056/5056 Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription

  • KIN 4062/5062 Applied Concepts in Human Aging

  • KIN 5586 Seminar in: Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders


  • Healthebridge, LLC, President/Founder (2011-2013)

  • Adjunct Faculty, Department of Zoology & Physiology, University of Wyoming

  • Director of the Human Integrative Physiology (HIP) Laboratory, University of Wyoming

  • Wyoming Action For Healthy Kids (WAFHK) member

  • Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (RMACSM) Wyoming Representative Publications


Validation of bioDensity in Osteoporosis and Type 2 Diabetes, 4/1/2013-3/31/2014 ($17,805), Role: Principal Investigator, Objectives: bioDensity resistance training intervention testing the low-volume and high-intensity approach on changes in osteoporosis and Type 2 diabetes risk factors, diagnostic parameters, and functional fitness.

Mission Life Line – Wyoming, American Heart Association, 10/2012 – 9/2014 ($15,000), Role: Scientific Advisor/Committee Member, Objectives:  Equip rural EMS with wireless 12-lead ECG capability and train responders and ED personnel to identify, respond, and transport STEMI patients in less than 90 minutes.

Fall 2012: University of Wyoming, Cap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board, "Distinguished University Faculty Member" Top Prof Award

Validation of bioDensity in chronic disease prevention and athletic populations, Performance Health Systems, Inc., 5/17/2012 – 4/30/2013, ($5,877), Role: Principal Investigator, Objectives: Test efficacy (validation) of bioDensity resistance training approach (low volume : high load) in chronic disease prevention and athletic populations.

Clinically-compatible technology for behavior change and chronic disease prevention, Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative (WSSI) Phase 0, 9/1/2011 – 12/5/2011 ($5,000), Role: Principal Investigator, Objectives: R&D expansion of an internet-delivered physical activity behavior change program for implementation/dissemination in a clinical settings.

Adapting an e-Health Physical Activity Intervention for Translation to a Clinical Setting, 5/1/2011 – 4/30/2012, 2P20RR016474 NIH/NCRR ($64,851), Role: Principal Investigator, Objective: adapt our previously validated internet-delivered physical activity behavior change program (idPALS) for implementation/dissemination in a clinical setting and expand idPALS e-compatibility/transportability to smartphones.  Other investigators: Ren J. (PI) 

Wyoming IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence – 2 (INBRE-2), (5/01/09-4/30/12), 2P20RR016474 NIH/NCRR ($16,705,815), Institutional Development Award (IDeA), Role:  Project Investigator – Project title: Internet-delivered obesity and cardiometabolic disease prevention: Clinical Discovery. ($100,000/year). Other Investigators: Ren, J., (PI); L. Lutes (Co-I)

Fall 2009: University of Wyoming, Cap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board, "Distinguished University Faculty Member" Top Prof Award


Langabeer, J., Smith, D.T., Cardenas-Turanzas, M., Leonard, B., Segrest, W., Krell, C., Owan, T., Eisenhauer, M., and Gerard, D. Impact of a Rural, Regional Myocardial Infarction System of Care in Wyoming. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2016, Forthcoming.

Fisher, H., Stephenson, M.L., Graves, K.K., Hinshaw, T.J., Smith, D.T., Zhu, Q., Wilson, M.A., Dai, B.  The relationship between force production during isometric squats and knee flexion angles during landing. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2015, (in press). PMID: 26566166

Heinbaugh, E.M., Smith, D.T., Zhu, Q., Wilson, M.A., and Dai, B.  The effect of time-of-day on static and dynamic balance in recreational athletes.  Sports Biomechanics, 2015, 14(3): 361-73. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2015.1084036

Smith, D.T., Judge, S., Malone, A., Moynes, R.C., Conviser, S., and Skinner, J.S.  Effects of bioDensity training and Power Plate whole-body vibration on strength, balance, and functional independence in older adults.  Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2015, 24(1): 139-48.  doi: 10.1123/japa.2015-0057.

Langabeer, J., Prasad, S., Seo, M., Smith, D.T., Segrest, W., Owen, T., Gerard, D., and Eisenhauer, M. The effect of inter-hospital transfers, EMS, and distance on ischemic time in a rural STEMI system of care. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015, 33(7): 913-916. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2015.04.009

Stephenson, M.L., Smith, D.T., Heinbaugh, E.M., Moynes, R.C., Rockey, S.S., Thomas, J.J., and B. Dai.  Total lower extremity lean mass percentage positively correlates with jump performance.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2015, 29(8): 2167-75.  doi: 10.1519/JSC.000000000000851.

Smith, D.T., Moynes, R.A., Rockey, S.S., Conviser, J., and J.S. Skinner.  bioDensity™: A novel resistance training approach and learning effects in 1,685 males and 2,689 females.  J Novel Physiotherapies, 2014, 4:215.  doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000215

Strath, S.J., Ainsworth, B.E., Ekelund, U., Freedson, P.S., Gary, R.A., Richardson, C.R., Smith, D.T., Swartz, A.M., and L.A. Kaminsky.  Guide to the assessment of physical activity: Clinical and Research Applications.  A scientific statement from the American Heart Association.  Circulation, 128(20): 2259-79, 2013.  PMID 24126387.

Long, N.M., Smith, D. T., Ford, S.P., and P.W. Nathanielsz.  Elevated glucocorticoids during ovine pregnancy increases appetite and produce glucose dysregulation and adiposity in their granddaughters in response to ad libitum feeding at 1 year of age.  Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2013, 209(4): 353.e1-9.  doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2013.05.051.

Willis, K.S., Broughton, K.S. Smith, D.T., and D.E. Larson-Meyer.  Vitamin D status & biomarkers of inflammation in runners.  Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 3: 25-42, 2012.

Li, L., Hua, Y., Dong, M., Li, Q., Smith, D.T., Yuan, M., Jones, K. R., and J. Ren.  Short-term Lenalidomide (Revlimid) administration ameliorates cardiomyocyte contractile dysfunction in ob/ob obese mice.  Obesity (Silver Springs), 2012 doi:10.1038/oby.2012.106.  PMID 22522886

George, L.A. Zhang, L., Tuersunjiang, N., Ma, Y., Long, N.M., Uthlaut, A.B., Smith, D.T., and S.P. Ford.  Early maternal undernutrition programs increased feed intake, altered glucose metabolism and insulin secretion, and liver function, in aged female offspring.  American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 302(7): R795-804. 2012.  PMID #22277936.

Wallhead, T.L., Hagger, M., and Smith, D.T. The effect of sport education on extra-curricular youth sport-based physical activity participation.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81(4): 442-455, 2010.

George, L.A., Uthlaut, A.B., Long, N.M., Zhang, L., Ma, Y., Smith, D.T., Nathanielsz, P.W. and S.P. Ford.  Different levels of overnutrition and weight gain during pregnancy have differential effects on fetal growth and organ development.  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 8:75, 2010.

Long, N.M., George, L.A., Uthlaut, A.B., Smith, D.T., Nijland, M.J., Nathanielsz, P.W., and S.P. Ford.  Maternal obesity and increased nutrient intake before and during gestation in the ewe results in altered growth, adiposity, and glucose tolerance in adult offspring.  Journal of Animal Science, 88(11): 3546-53, 2010.

Ford, S.P., Zhang, L., Zhu, M., Miller, M.M., Smith, D.T., Hess, B.W., Nathanielsz, P.W., and M.J. Nijland.  Maternal obesity accelerates fetal pancreatic beta-cell but not alpha-cell development in sheep: prenatal consequences.  American Journal of Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 297(3): R835-43, 2009.

Smith, D.T., Carr, L.J. Dorozynski, C.M., and C, Gomashe.  Internet-delivered lifestyle physical activity intervention: Limited inflammation and antioxidant capacity efficacy in overweight adults.  Journal of Applied Physiology, 106(1): 49-56, 2009.

Stepans, M.B., Wilhelm, S.L., Rodehorst, T.K., Smith, D.T., and Weinert C.  Care of biological samples in a rural setting.  Clinical Nursing Research, 18(1): 6-22, 2009.

Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M. and Smith, D.T.  Eight-month follow-up of physical activity and central adiposity: Results from internet-delivered intervention in overweight adults.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 6(4): 444-45, 2009.

Smith, D.T., Bartee, R.T., Carr, L.J., and Dorozynski, C.M.  Prevalence of overweight and out-of-school seasonal periods of body mass index in American Indian schoolchildren.  Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(1): A20, 2009.  http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2009/jan/07_0262.htm.

Smith, D.T., Vendela, M.J., Bartee, R.T., & Carr, L. (2008).  Significant body mass index gains in rural first graders 1999-2004:  A time for behavioral intervention?  Journal of Rural Health, 24(1), 40-48.

Smith, D.T., Bartee, R.T.,  Carr, L.J., & Dorozynski, C.M. (in press).  Prevalence of overweight and out-of-school seasonal periods of body mass index in American Indian schoolchildren.  Preventing Chronic Disease.

Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., Smith, D.T., Welk, G., & Fu, Q. (2008).  Combined influence of physical activity and television viewing on the risk of overweight in U.S. youth.  International Journal of Obesity, 32, 613-618.

Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., Broomfield, J.F., Smith, M.L., & Smith, D.T. (2008).  Internet-delivered behavior change program increases physical activity and improves cardiometabolic disease factors in sedentary adults:  Results of a randomized controlled trial.  Preventative Medicine, 46(5), 431-438.

Herman, S.L., & Smith, D.T., (2008).  Four-week dynamic-stretching warm-up intervention elicits longer-term performance benefits.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(4), 1286-97. 


Smith, D.T. (2014, December) Physical activity, behavior change, and blood sugar control: Have we ignored intensity?  Alaska native Tribal Health Consortium and South Central Foundation, Alaska Native Diabetes Conference.

Smith, D.T. (2011, May). The other side of the equation: Increasing physical activity does not impact sitting time.  2ndInternational Conference Proceedings on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Glasgow, Scotland. 

Smith, D.T.  (2010, December) Lost in Translation: Getting physical activity from the laboratory to the clinical setting.  Ball State University, Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Science Department Seminar.

Dunn, A.L., Wilcox, S., Smith, D.T., & Dearing, J. (2009, May).  Disseminating evidence-based physical activity programs:  Lessons learned from the field.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, WA.

Smith, D.T., (2009, April).  WALK to wellness on the web:  Effect of internet-delivered physical activity programs on inflammation and oxidative stress.  Paper presented at the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutritionists 25th Annual Symposium, Scottsdale, AZ.

Smith, D.T.  Short- and long-term efficacy of a 16-week internet-delivered physical activity behavior change program on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: A randomized control trial Institutional Development Award (IDeA), 2nd Biennial NISBRE Conference, Washington D.C., 2008.

Smith, D.T., (2008, April).  Effect of physical activity on inflammation, oxidative stress, and cardiovascular disease risk:  Results of a lifestyle of physical activity.  Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutritionists 24th Annual Symposium, Boston, MA.

Bartee, R.T., Lohof, C.H., Carr, L.J., & Smith, D.T. (April, 2008).  Intervention effects on mediators and physical activity.  Paper presented at the annual International Congress for Physical Activity and Public Health, Amsterdam.

Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., & Smith, D.T. (May, 2008). Efficacy of an internet-delivered physical activity behavior change program for physical activity adherence: Results from an eight month follow-up. Paper presented at the annual American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.

Korenke, J., Bartee, R.T., Lohof, C., Carr, L.J., & Smith, D.T. (2008, April). Use and perceptions of an internet-based physical activity program. Poster presented at the annual AAHPERD 2008 National Convention, Fort Worth, TX.

Dayton, J., Bartee, R.T., Coffey, A.R., Carr, L.J., Lohof, C., Dorozynski, C.M., & Smith, D.T. (April, 2008). Energy intake influenced by an internet-based physical activity program. Poster presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention, Fort Worth, TX.

Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., Vendela, M.J., Bretting, K., Lohof, C, Brubaker, P.H., & Smith, D.T. (2007, June). Effect of an Internet-based Physical Activity Behavior Change Program on Physical Activity and Disease Risk. Poster Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Vendela, M.J., Bartee, R.T., Carr, L.J., & Smith, D.T. (2007, June).  Body Mass Index in Rural Elementary School Children: Progressive Increase in Body Mass Index of First Graders. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Lohof, C.H., Bartee, R.T., Carr, L.J., Korenke, J.D., Brubaker, P.H., & Smith, D.T. (2007, June).  Effect of an Internet-based Physical Activity Behavior Change Program on Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Dorozynski, C.M., Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., & Smith, D.T. (2007, June). Efficacy of a Theory-driven Internet-based Physical Activity Behavior Change Program. Poster Presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Contact Us

UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building 119

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5284

Email: kines@uwyo.edu

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