UW Division of Kinesiology and Health
Corbett Building 119
Laramie , WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5284
Email: kines@uwyo.edu
Interim Director and Professor
Motor Learning and Control / Human Perception and Action
(307) 766-3662
Corbett Building, Room 114 A
I have a general interest in studying perceptual-motor skills, the skills that we acquired and use on daily basis or in sport settings. Using perception-action approach, my research examines how perception and action help one another in acquiring the functional control of human movement. I am specifically interested in topics of Affordances, Overarm Throwing, Illusion Effets on Action, Coordination, and Rehabilitation of Motor Skills.
Ph.D in Human Performance, Indiana University (2008)
M.Ed. in Exercise Science, Shanghai University of Sport (2002)
B.S. in Coaching Education, Shanghai University of Sport (1999)
UW Division of Kinesiology and Health
Corbett Building 119
Laramie , WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5284
Email: kines@uwyo.edu