UW Division of Kinesiology and Health
Corbett Building 119
Laramie , WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5284
Email: kines@uwyo.edu
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Tristan Wallhead, Ph.D.Professor (307) 766-4191 Corbett Building, Room 113 |
Tristan Wallhead came to the United States from England to complete his PhD at the Ohio State University in Sport and Exercise Education. Graduating in 2004, he came into the Division of Kinesiology and Health at the University of Wyoming. He continues to work as a faculty member in Physical Education Teacher Education and conduct research on the effects of instructional models, such as Sport Education on student motivation to participate in physical education and extra-curricular PA opportunities. He was promoted to Professor in 2017. He currently serves as the Vice President of the international physical education organization (AIESEP). He has received a number of awards over his career including SHAPE Research Fellow (2013), Central District SHAPE Scholar Award (2016), Outstanding Reviewer for both the Journal of Teaching Physical Education (2014, 2018) and Physical Education Sport Pedagogy (2018), CHS Meritorious service award (2021). If you are interested in being supervised by Dr. Wallhead for a Masters degree in PETE please email him directly.
Pedagogical Sciences Research Lab
Ph.D. The Ohio State University (2004)
M.S. Leeds Metropolitan University (2000)
B.S. (Hons) Loughborough University (1997)
2020-2023 Hartung, C. (co-PI), Wallhead, T. (co-PI), & Smith, D. (co-I). The Impact of Riding for Focus in Physical Education on Life Skills Development and Participation in Extracurricular Cycling Opportunities in Middle School Students. Outride (Specialized) Foundation ($125,719)
2018-2019 Lin, E., Sum, K. W., Wallhead, T. (co-I), Yan, B., Choi, S. M. Effects of Sport Education Intervention on Students’ Perceived Physical Literacy and Physical Activity Levels in University Required Physical Education. Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, Chinese University of Hong Kong. ($22,000 (HK$170,000)
2016-2018 Sum, K. W., Ha, S. C., Sit, H. P., & Wallhead, T. (co-I) Effects of Physical Education Continuing Professional Development on Teachers’ Physical Literacy and Self-Efficacy and Students' Learning Outcomes. General Research Fund, Research Grant Committee, Hong Kong SAR. ($100,000 (HK$764,492)
49Simonton, K., Wallhead, T. L., & Kern, B. (in press). Relationships between students’ emotional experiences and cognitive and physical achievement during a middle school hybrid Sport Education Tactical Model season. Journal of Teaching Physical Education.
48Carey, N., Simonton, K. L., & Wallhead, T. (2023). Here’s an IDEA to improve Sport Education: Using a flipped classroom to increase student role-efficacy. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 94, 37-44.
47Lee, Y. S., Ko, B., & Wallhead, T. L. (2023). Initiating and sustaining a teacher-initiated community of practice as a form of continuing professional development: Internal leaders’ perspectives. Journal of Teaching Physical Education. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2022-0224
46Malinowski, P., Kern, B., & Wallhead, T. L. (2023). Adopting instructional models in physical education: The influence of occupational socialization. Journal of Teaching Physical Education. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2022-0142
45Hastie, P. A., Curtner-Smith, M. D., Kinchin, G. D. & Wallhead, T. L. (2023). “Beyond my wildest dreams”: The reach and impact of Sport Education, Quest, https://doi.org/10.1080/00336297.2022.2158111
44Wallhead, T. L. & Ayvazo, S. (2023). A tribute to Daryl Siedentop: A visionary leader of physical education and sport pedagogy, Quest, https://doi.org/10.1080/00336297.2022.2125408
43Vasquez, M.*, & Wallhead, T. L. (2022). The relationship between occupational socialization factors and in-service physical educators’ reported use of Sport Education. European Physical Education Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356336X22113516
42Kern, B., Malinowski, P., Wilson, W., & Wallhead, T. L. (2022). Pedagogical practices among teachers of different demographics and dispositions toward change: Results of a multi-region survey of US physical educators. Journal of Teaching Physical Education. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0192
41Musard, M., Bezeau, D., & Wallhead, T. L. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ content-related reflective analyses of a physical education learning task. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2022.2061936
40Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Wang, F. J., & Choi, S. M., Li, M. H., Y. Liu. (2022). Effects of teachers’ participation in continuing professional development on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and enjoyment of physical activity. Journal of Psychodidactics (Revista de Psicodidáctica), 27(2), 176-185.
39Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T. L., Ha, S. C. A., Sit, H. P., & Wei, F. M. (2022). Operationalizing physical literacy through Sport Education in a university physical education program. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27(6), 597-601.
KIN 4012 Curriculum Development in Physical Education
KIN 4017 Teaching Lab III Practicum
KIN 5014 Teaching Tactics in Sport-based Physical Education
KIN 5018 Psychology of Teaching Physical Education
KIN 5019 Instructional Models for Physical Education
AIESEP Board of Directors (2014-)
AIESEP 2016 Conference, Laramie – Chair of Scientific Committee
WAHPERD VP for Physical Education (2013-2015)
Associate Editor for Journal of Teaching Physical Education (2014-2017)
UW Division of Kinesiology and Health
Corbett Building 119
Laramie , WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5284
Email: kines@uwyo.edu